Author Topic: Acceptance  (Read 2912 times)


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« on: January 24, 2015, 12:24:42 pm »
I have been making myself crazy trying to figure out if I should reopen my small business, Mimi's Bakery a wholesale bakery for the 2015 season (March -November).  My usual MO is to barrel-through the tough times and be a trooper, but I think I may have met my match with this recovery and I've decided not to reopen my business this year. 

I am simply too dizzy, unsteady, my eye hurts, I'm easily exhausted and I have too much cognitive difficulty (recipes and techniques vaporize as I try to recall them).  I honestly can't imagine working my typical 12- to 15-hour days--I can't even imagine working six hours because the work is physical and there is a lot of bending over and looking down and up which makes me very dizzy, and forget the lifting that's involved.  Just making dinner requires a lot of focus not to burn myself, or just to remember to set timers, etc. 

After much (too much) deliberation with myself and husband, I have decided to spend the year doing whatever I can to get better.  I can travel to my medical team in Salt Lake City and get whatever vestibular therapies that will help. 

I may be a Pollyanna, but I am not going to live in fear because I'm closing my bakery and won't have a way of making a living, but I'm going to remember that often difficult times have brought about some of the best turns in my life.  I'm going to feel sad that I have to give up something I worked so hard to build, but I admit I've placed too much emphasis on my work-life identity and maybe it's time I get a new perspective on life. 

If I get disability, that will help my stress level, but one way or another, I just have to accept that I can't do what I used to do, and I don't even have enough energy or abilities to hire and train others to take my place.  I know managing employees is no simple task, and I'm just not up for any of it.  "UNCLE!" 

I'm going to believe that taking this year off will allow me to get better for 2016.

I knew you folks would understand.

Thank you!
2.8cm Trigeminal Neuralgia tumor removed Translabyrinthine approach on July 31, 2014 at the University of Utah Health Center.
Dr. Clough Shelton and Dr. William Couldwell.
SSD; Right side facial paralysis; Poor right eye sight; Dizzy 24/7; Eyelid implant 02/215; Sense of humor intact.


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 12:36:53 pm »
Don't be a bit surprised when you come up with other ways to be productive.  Running your own business requires an entrepreneurial spirit.  This is no small thing.  It is part of who you are.  That same spirit will bring you to something else, or the same business on a different scale, or maybe even right back where you left off. 

Your creative talents and strong will, coupled with the improvements that time and therapy will bring, will have you progressing towards another goal.
Diagnosed June 2014 1cm AN at 47 years of age.  Had fluctuating symptoms since 2006.    6 mos MRI (Dec 2014) showed no growth, MRI  in July 2015 showed no growth.  MRI Jan 2016 showed no growth.  MRI Aug 2016 showed no growth.  I'm gonna ride the WW train as long as I can.


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2015, 05:34:39 pm »
Thank you for those compassionate and positive thoughts. 

My husband was describing this forum to someone and they said, "Now that is the best use of the Internet."  He's right, and I'm very grateful to all of you.

2.8cm Trigeminal Neuralgia tumor removed Translabyrinthine approach on July 31, 2014 at the University of Utah Health Center.
Dr. Clough Shelton and Dr. William Couldwell.
SSD; Right side facial paralysis; Poor right eye sight; Dizzy 24/7; Eyelid implant 02/215; Sense of humor intact.


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Re: Acceptance
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2015, 08:20:46 am »

ANGuy is right on!

You have all of those wonderful traits and you are a very brave lady.  Life has so many twists and turns Mimi and we have to deal with them as they come.  However, I am a firm believer in that all we experience eventually brings us to where we are meant to be.  All we can do is our best, in this case, do the therapies recommended, rest and respect the healing process by living as healthy a life style as we can.  You WILL succeed and be on the path to achieving your goals.  Have faith in yourself Mimi.  Very best to you in your journey.