Author Topic: Irritability  (Read 2735 times)

Debbie N.

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« on: March 19, 2015, 06:17:16 pm »
Has anyone experienced irritability after AN surgery?  Much more than before my surgery!  It seems by the end of the day, say 6:00pm or so I am such a BEAR!  I guess after putting up with the constant ringing/roaring in my ear all day along, and the fullness feeling, that is how my body reacts.
July 2014 diagnosed AN 1.5 cm long, surgery 1/6/2015 by John T. McElveen, Jr., MD @ Duke Raleigh Hospital, transcochlear.  SSD left ear, balance issues, tinnitus.


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Re: Irritability
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2015, 04:59:30 am »
Don't you think that fatigue has a lot to do with irritability as well?  I think we demand extra concentration from our brain to cope with balance stability, to seek out and comprehend speech that we can't decipher, and put up with the headache etc etc etc.  I know that for awhile sleep eluded me, even though I was exhausted.  I would barely make it home from work before collapsing on the couch.  No one recognizes the signs of anything being wrong and can't understand why we don't just snap out of it, which in itself stood the hair on the back of my neck.   I do believe Gama Knife surgery had some kind of contribution to play in my grumpiness but as has been said in past posting how do you prove that.  I wouldn't want anyone to have gamma radiation blasted through their head just to see if it makes them crabby.

It's a perfect storm, a combination of surgery effects, tension, depression, fatigue.  Of course for the most part my grumpy pants seem to be the most comfortable and I hope that I have finally worn them out.  I would like to say I put them away but I have my moments.  I am 19 months post GK and am doing  better than I did.  I still get cranky when I have over done it, had the grandkids run circles around me all day, weather changes, spent to much time in a crowd.... I guess I really don't have it under control as much as I want to believe.

I am fortunate my family is understanding of my short comings, they know when it is time for me to isolate myself and relax.  I think exercise will do a lot to help my attitude and as the way of all good intentions I'm working on it.  Maybe as the weather gets better I can get my walking shoes and sweat pants to replace my grumpy pants.  At least when I get out I can break the cabin fever.  It helps to not take myself to seriously hope you can find a balance that makes life a little more bearable. 

Debbie N.

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Re: Irritability
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 06:29:45 pm »
Yes, come to think of it, irritability and tiredness go hand in hand.  Looking back to the time of my diagnosis and actually when I started having symptoms I was fatigued just about every day.

Thanks for your input.  I just need to realize my limitations and go with them.
July 2014 diagnosed AN 1.5 cm long, surgery 1/6/2015 by John T. McElveen, Jr., MD @ Duke Raleigh Hospital, transcochlear.  SSD left ear, balance issues, tinnitus.