Hello all ! I hope everyone is doing great.
I had my tumor removed exactly 6 months ago. I did lose my hearing in that ear permanently, and did have some temporary facial weakness. My facial weakness had gotten better, and was only noticeable by me. Now, for the past few weeks, my facial nerve is starting to feel tight again, and everytime I smile, that eye squints , whereas immediately post-op I couldn't even close my eye. Every now and then I'll also have a jumping sensation underneath my eye along the top part of my cheek. Is this normal to get better and then seemingly get worse before healing completely?? The docs told me that it should take between 6 to 12 months for it to completely heal; it's only been 6 months, so I know it's possible for it to keep healing. I am also having alligator tears in that eye everytime I eat or drink something, in which I read was part of the healing process. However, I just called my neurosurgeon and explained my latest sensations and they ordered an MRI next week. It kind of worries me, but at the same time I think we're jumping the gun a little bit. What does everyone think??? Will it get better or worse and do you think there's anything to worry about as far as the MRI goes?? What are your thoughts??
In the meantime I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving !!!