Author Topic: post surgery eye issues etc...  (Read 2461 times)


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post surgery eye issues etc...
« on: August 24, 2015, 07:58:23 am »
i had surgery jan.20th 2015. they removed the tumor and said there was no complications. 3 month mri looks good. my problem is my eyes are super sensitive to light. when i came home from my surgery a few days later i had to wear almost black sunglasses all day inside my house with the lights off blinds closed etc... it even seemed like i could see the light with my eyes closed. it caused really bad eye pain and headaches. that lasted a couple of days then it got better to the point i just had to squint in light. now 8 months later i'm still somewhat dizzy,and my eyes still hurt. i can't even walk from room to room without having eye pain, even such little light change hurts. its almost feels like my head gets this heavy feeling and my eyes throb really bad.i haven't drove a car yet,i'm to scared to try because i know what my eyes and head will feel like. i have people saying i'm just imagining these feelings. when i'm on the passanger side in a vehicle it looks like we are going to crash into the side of the road and hit whatever is on my side. i'm a nervous wreck now in cars. i'm always scaring my husband by jumping and saying watch out.  i've been living on advil,it takes the headaches away but they always come back. i cant sleep on my right side since the tumor was removed we'll even have anything touching around the scar area. going to be going for an appt. to try to get the cros? hearing aid, and i have an eye dr. appt. in september.  sorry for jumping around on what im saying but as i write more keeps coming to my head haha. oh ya when i'm walking my tongue still gets kinda a tingling numb type of feeling but it goes away after a minute or so. any help or comments would be great so i dont think im going nuts and people will realize its all true and not made up. i never had any eye problems until the surgery. im deaf now in my right ear and hear like a white noise sound all day and night. some reason it gets alot louder in different places.Its very hard to go to a restaurant etc... and enjoy myself since the noise in my ear gets so loud it hurts. I feel like a baby and i'm complaining about everything and I know so many have it worse but its so hard to adjust to and I don't know if i ever will. thanks for letting me get my steam out lol !!
laurie balboni


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Re: post surgery eye issues etc...
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2015, 05:51:39 pm »
I am going on 6 months post op. I have facial paralysis and my eye is sensitive to light not to mention painful dry eye. I also have heavy head, dizziness, tinnitus that increases with noises, numb mouth/tongue comes and goes. My scar is tolerable except one spot that hurts when my skin gets moved.  Driving is not fun, I keep it to about 5 miles and only during the day. At night my eye ointment makes halos and i can't see where I am going.  I am also jumpy when anything is flailing around my head (like grandkids :)  Headaches have lessened but I still have them several times a week.

Anyone who has not had an AN and tells you you are imagining symptoms is clueless. They really have no idea what you are going through. I too get treated like I am being ridiculous, I know I am not. I have good days and bad. The good are starting to happen more often, but I am learning good tends to be  followed by a down day. On those days I just take it easy.  I am still on disability and have no idea when I can return to work. I am just taking it one day at a time.

This forum is a godsend. I am not alone and can find answers to any questions and support. Much appreciated!
Right AN 3.2cm 2-27-15
Retrosigmoid 3-9-15 6 hours
Facial nerve paralysis, dry eye, balance problems
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