Hi all,
I just joined this forum and my previous post has not shown up yet. I found out I had a smallish 1 cm AN in October. It is coming out of the IAC already. The doctors here in Austin wanted to do translab. I think that had they been able to do the surgery in December, I would have gone that route. However, they couldn't and that gave me some time to send the MRI to House. Obviously, going to House is a great option if you can work out the logistics. It happens that my insurance will cover it so the added expense of going to LA is just airfare and housing at Seton (both pretty reasonable).
My only worry is follow up care. I just talked to the office of the doctor here in Austin, Dr. Patrick Slater. I told them that I had decided on LA because the costs were about the same. I made sure to tell them that while I liked Dr. Slater, I felt going to a place that does so many made sense. I then asked if I could stay on as a patient for possible follow ups and/or hearing aids. The receptionist thought it would be fine but I then got a call back and she told me that Dr. Slater will not take patients that have been to House.
Is this normal? Could the people that have gone to House from elsewhere let me know how they went about getting follow up care? Do you just go to the ER?
Thanks so much