Author Topic: burning pain on surgery side.  (Read 3681 times)


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burning pain on surgery side.
« on: March 02, 2016, 04:16:02 pm »
hi i had surgery january 2015,removed tumor. I get a burning type of headache at the bottom of my skull and neck area on the side of the surgery. not all the time but when its there it hurts pretty bad. I also get a feeling like my skull is moving or kinda like a shifting feeling where the incision was. Im sure its not really moving but it does hurt in a strange way. I cant lay on that side for very long or it will begin to hurt. I have headaches everyday but they do get better with excedrin or advil. I live on them even though I know its not good for me. If I don't take something they will get worse. I also cant touch the area around my ear because I get a strange feeling that goes threw my head and eyes almost like a dizzy feeling or like wind is going threw me and causing me to spin inside my head. That happens if its a light touch ,when i brush my hair it doesn't happen I don't really know how to explain it. I know im jumping around from one thing to another!!! well if anyone has the same issues or can understand the feeling please let me know. oh ya one more thing I get pain in my eye on the side of the surgery and it feels like its attached by a rubber band to the surgery area like its pulling the back of my head and my eye ball. I know sounds really strange!!!!
laurie balboni