Author Topic: Post surgery six months - is CSF leakage still possible?  (Read 3256 times)


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Post surgery six months - is CSF leakage still possible?
« on: February 25, 2016, 10:30:24 pm »
I had surgery on right side for Intracochlear  schwannoma that was steadily growing over a five year period. Surgery went well, minimal severe balance issues that lessened fairly quickly. I had one area of the incision that took longer to heal. Could have been a deeper cut area, results of stapling, etc. but this is still not completely healed more than six months later and tonight it opened again with some clear but bloody leakage. Should I be concerned or did I just irritate the area and cause a little scrape? I have moved from the geographical area I had surgery at and not fully established in Northern CA at the VA. Just wondering if anyone else had issues with the incision that were long lasting. Thanks! Love this site. It got me through several years of watch and wait and helped d me make my decision to have surgery when I did. I'm 59yo female and had to retire early from social work due to stress of tinnitus, hearing loss etc.


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Re: Post surgery six months - is CSF leakage still possible?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2016, 12:56:01 pm »
Hi kzepol,

I hope you are doing well after your surgery!  I too have an intracochlear schwannoma and have recently lost 100% of my hearing in the AN ear. My dr told me that when the tumor grows we will have to make a decision to either remove it surgically or have radiation treatments.  I just had my annual MRI and it shows that the tumor is stable. It is very small at 1mmX2mmX3mm.

Can you give me some idea of how long it took you to recover from the surgery?  What issues have you had since then?
I greatly appreciate any information you can off.  ::)