Hello, I am 5 weeks post op. I had a 4.3 tumor removed and my problems after reading some posts are relatively minor- yet real to me. The most major being being deaf in one ear, followed by imbalance, ringing in the ears, mouth dryness, vision problems and fatigue. I dont understand why i am so tired and wonder if this is normal. I am in excellent physical condition, so it is most likely related to the surgery. Sleep helps, but it doesnt seem to fully restore my energy. Is this normal? One other thing. My thinking seems to be a lot slower than usual and the doctors say this is unrelated to a AN. Reading is slower, reasoning is slower. My freinds and family are delighted about my progress while many of my problems are not apparent to anyone but me. some of those closest to me expect more from me because I look and act so healthy in many ways. I am alone in this and I have little or no reference other than this site.