I received a single session of GK in 2013. Sorry, but I'm not sure how many GY's I received. I may have known that back then, but I just don't recall anymore.
To Patti, my post-GK trouble began 8-9 weeks after treatment. It happened quite abruptly. I remember being in my office one day when I suddenly had trouble hearing people talking right next to me. A few days later, what I called "ice-pick" headaches began. The headaches were debilitating. I could barely function for several weeks, but I mostly kept it to myself and muddled through. Dizziness became so bad I sometimes had trouble walking to my car after work. Even taking a shower was a challenge because I could barely maintain my balance whenever I closed my eyes to rinse off soap or shampoo. My doctors were pretty useless during this entire period, despite my pleas for help. They said things like, "we have NO idea what could be causing all of the symptoms you're describing." I felt extremely frustrated, even hopeless. Then, about 10-12 weeks after the post-GK side effects began, they gradually began to subside. By about 6 months post-GK, I was pretty much back to normal.
It's been said on this great forum many times that we're all different and no two people have the same experience. I'm sharing my experience with the hope that it may help others who are facing post-GK side effects. I hope your post-GK side effects eventually subside, just as mine did. Never give up!