Hi Ceeceek,
I posted a long thread on my experience with Endoscopic through SBI under microsurgical options.
IT was for an AN tumor.
What type of tumor are you talking about?
I think it would be rare for surgeons to go through the nose for an AN, Is yours a pituitary tumor?
I know SBI does all sorts of tumors.
Instead of craniometry, where traditionalists peal your face down and lift your forehead and skull to get to the brain. SBI goes through a little square piece in the middle of the forehead,or nose, etc.
so first, we need to know the type of tumor.
For AN removal Shahinian did a "retrosigmoid craniectomy, endoscopic resection of acoustic neuroma, cranioplasty"-a little hole on top half of my mastoid.
After I was "out"-asleep---around 7am...
They prepped my body. meaning...
they had me on my right side down, padded with gel packs and my head was put in a brace.
at around 9am- He drilled a dime size hole and did the resection using monitors and a robotic arm.
The surgery lasted about 6-7 hrs.
Reasons I chose endo?
1. Less invasive.
2. I didn't want my cerebellum retracted. ( I hear residents get to have this job sometimes)
3. Less time in recovery.
4. Smaller scar.
5. I wanted the best science could offer.
6. I like to make my own decisions.
7. Traditionalists I met were not familiar with the technique.
8. After research on why I could not get specific information on Endo,
I learned there was a bunch of politics within the "neurosurgeon" community that seemed more interested in stability
than making the profession grow on behalf of patients.
Shahinian is ULTRA as in ULTRA careful whom he has on his specialized team with you in the room.
There is a nerve monitor, anestesiologist and some OR nurses.
He opens, resects, and closes.
They have a nurse reporting to your family every hour or so.
The biopsy was done about half way through surgery.
I woke up at 6pm. Freaked out of course. I didn't wake up", I blinked. I never had general anestesia before, so the surgery was literally like a Blink.
vertigo, vomiting, catheter the works. PAin at first, but I was out of their 3 days later.
My video of the resection is here if you are interested.
http://files.filefront.com//;6388483;;/ fotos
http://www.flickr.com/photos/61996436@N00/Watch all the documentaries on his website.
http://skullbaseinstitute.com/pressroom.htmThere are a handful of us that chose the Endo route for AN removal and are happy that we chose that path.
If their is an Acoustic Neuroma Endo person in Florida, let the Community know! We chose Shahinian, because of his long time experience with AN's.
He does 1 a week on average.
Or if you speak Spanish, try having it done over on that big island neighbor too for a lot cheaper I bet.