Author Topic: For Moe...  (Read 1931 times)


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For Moe...
« on: August 11, 2016, 07:37:52 am »
Hi Moe,

I read your reply to someone elses post that your tumor, which was larger than mine, was pressing against your brainstem. My tumor is 1.6 x 1.6 and up against my brainstem but not pushing it out of place. I just wondered what symptoms you had. I had surgery in 2003 to remove it but they didn't when they came to the conclusion that it's a facial neuroma. There is a question whether mine is facial or acoustic since my face still looks normal and I'm not getting any facial nerve symptoms. I started getting episodes of lightheadedness and feeling like I was on the verge of passing out and one episode of blurred vision, a few weeks ago, so I got a MRI which showed the tumor had grown to the size it is now. Surgeon doesn't seem to think the lightheadedness and blurred vision are related to my neuroma. I get another test done on July 29th then I talk to the surgeon again. She said there will be more to discuss if it's acoustic.

I hope you are doing well,


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Re: For Moe...
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2016, 05:50:23 pm »
Hi elenadudnic -

I had pressure on my brainstem from my AN, which was removed last October.  My symptoms were confusion, disorientation, and - I'm weirded out to say - behavior changes.  I couldn't remember anything, even for a few minutes.  One pal said I kept asking the same questions, every 4 or 5 minutes.  I also had fluid on my brain because the ventricles were compressed.  The up side?  I don't have hardly any memory of the pre-op drama. 

Good luck with your dx! I hope things go well!