Author Topic: NYU Langone Medical Center gamma knife  (Read 5590 times)


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Re: NYU Langone Medical Center gamma knife
« Reply #15 on: September 22, 2017, 05:45:53 am »
Dear Joan:

I now have an appointment with Dr. Pannullo for next Tuesday. I know there are three types of radiation treatment: Gamma, Cyber or Fractionated stereotactic radiosurgery. I don't know which one she is going to recommend, but I really hope it's not the one with the dreaded head frame. Whatever she recommends though, I think she'll be the one I have the procedure done by as I've read wonderful things about her.


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Re: NYU Langone Medical Center gamma knife
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2017, 03:46:21 pm »
Hi please know that Dr Pannullo is not an alarmist. She may tell you to wait 3 months for another MRI or she may tell you to do radiation ASAP. She's so good at what she does. You know that just by looking up her accomplishments.  Good luck on Tuesday. By the way her nurse Kristen is also amazing.


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Re: NYU Langone Medical Center gamma knife
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2017, 06:21:08 am »

cgreen2495 ( Details   



Hi, Joan:


I met with Dr. Pannullo yesterday and she was wonderful. I loved her and felt very comfortable. She said I could just have another MRI and see if it grows or not. She did say, though, that it has gone from a small tumor to a medium tumor and that it is better to treat before it gets any bigger. She wants to do fractionated stereotactic radiation surgery (no headframe and no cutting, thank goodness). I told her that my previous neurosurgeon has told me I had multiple symptoms I wasn't even aware of. She checked me over and, except for the hearing loss, could see no other deficits. She said the tumor might continue growing or even reach a plateau and stop and if it does grow, we don't know in which direction. Being that it is now very close to my brain, I have decided to go for the procedure rather than wait until it possibly does encroach upon my brain at which time it will cause problems.

Thank you so much for recommending Dr. Pannullo. She didn't try to scare me, she presented my options in a very reasoned and calm manner and, again, she is a doctor with whom I feel comfortable. I'm waiting to hear back from her surgery scheduler re my total cost for the procedure and then I'll make an appointment to meet with her oncologist. Dr. Pannullo said it is not an urgent matter so I'll probably have it done sometime before the end of the year.



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Re: NYU Langone Medical Center gamma knife
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2017, 06:58:43 am »
Hi So glad you were pleased with Dr. Pannullo. She's not one to sugarcoat but tells it like it is.  If she says you have time then she means it otherwise you would be having radiation ASAP. Keep me posted on your journey. All the best to you. Oh, the deli next door to Weill Cornell is excellent. I had the best lunch!