I only have about 25% hearing in AN ear and only 12% word recognition. I have been trying hearing aids for the last couple months. I first tried two hearing aids as have very slight age related loss in non AN ear and tech thought aid would help overall hearing. It did help some but not really in AN ear. I am now trying Cros Phonak hearing aid. So, have a receiver in AN ear and hearing aid in other. This enables me to "hear" sound on left AN ear but actual sound is transferred to other ear so I can hear it. This doesnt help figuring out direction of sound but definitely helps me hear my husband when he is driving us and in conversations in rooms.
Both of these hearing aids have options for add ons to help tinnitus as well. Also, there are all kinds of other things these aids have to help with other hearing requirements such as TV, etc. I haven't tried any of those as 1st priority is the ability to hear. The tech also thinks the aids may also help bit with balance issues. Hoping for that too as physio doesn't seem to be helping at all yet.
Both of the types of hearing aids have tried are by Phonak and apparently are the best right now in the world. Check them out.
Hope this helped.