Mike here...first let me thank you all once again for all your advice and encouragement. The MRI that I had done in Germany showed no AN, so we spent several more days there going back and forth between the ENT and the neurologist to try to figure out what was going on. It seems that the conscensus of both doctors is that when I became ill in Iraq it was some sort of virus that caused a severe infection in my inner ear. This was the ENT's explaination for the tinitis and other ear related symptoms. The neurologist has the same opinion of what is causing the "tingling" sensation on my face. In a sense it makes sense to me that a viral infection affecting the same area where an AN would be would result in similar symptoms as AN, so we're hoping the diagnosis is correct. The neurologist is treating the nerve related symptoms by prescribing neurotin. As for the ear related problems, the ENT didn't give much hope of any treatment other than saying things need to run their course and the tinitus may never go away.
So, once again thanks for all of the support out there. This truly is a wonderful and compassionate thing you've got going on here...keep it up!
Mike sends.