I had always been aware that ginger was supposed to helpful for motion sickness and dizziness, but have never really tested it. I came across an old article in the Washington post, however, that was very persuasive regarding the usefulness of ginger for vertigo. It appears subjects were tested under very intense conditions and the results for ginger were impressive. I include the link below:
https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/wellness/1989/02/28/how-ginger-fights-vertigo/be74a8d3-238c-49f5-b0d1-53b3981deb11/?utm_term=.d4a4e00ef94dIf the link doesn't work for you, send me a PM and I will send you the contents as a Word doc.I was impressed that it states ginger root can ward off vertigo induced by a whirling chair. It is pretty clear that to overcome strong vertigo-inducing stimuli you need to take a relatively large amount of ginger root (0.5 to 1.0 gram), the amount available in capsules, rather than from tea, ginger ale or ginger candies. However, if one just wants to ward off the tendency to get dizzy, perhaps one would need a lower dose. At any rate, this info was persuasive enough for me that I purchased some ginger tea and some ginger root extract to add to it. I might even invest in some ginger capsules. Hope others that suffer from AN induced dizziness find this information useful.