Author Topic: B vitamins and tinnitus  (Read 1903 times)


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B vitamins and tinnitus
« on: January 16, 2019, 12:38:15 pm »
I have found that b vitamins will take the edge off my tinnitus. Seems to knock it down a notch. I rate the loudness from 1 to 10. My T runs on waves like a graph being fairly consistent with one decent day around a 5 followed by 2 loud days around an 8. But when taking B vitamins my decent days run about a 3-4 and loud days about a 6-7. I've experimented with this by stopping the b vitamins and the volume goes up. Start taking them and the volume goes down. 
My initial MRI last July at the VA was 3mm. All I was told. I have a follow up MRI in 10 days.  My first symptom was a sudden hearing loss 2 years ago on the AN side . It slowly recovered over a period of a couple weeks but was I left with some hearing loss on AN side and terrible tinnitus (9), hyperacusis and ear fullness that lasted 4 months with just 1 vertigo episode , then leveled off to where I am now. I had more sudden hearing losses 14 months later with some dizziness and ear fullness but the T did not spike. VA sent me for MRI at that point.  I'm having some recent on and off numbing around the ear and jaw. So even though my AN is small it's still having a significant impact.
My mental state is good days and bad days. I also deal with afib so trying the aspirin regimen is out due to it being a blood thinner. Reading what other people have gone through and made it to the other side helps me keep things in perspective. I try not to dwell , though T is a constant reminder, so I don't come here very often. But I believe I just about read all the threads ! This site has been very helpful. Thank you. 
March 2017 sudden hearing loss left ear
July 2018 MRI 3mm AN IAC
Awful Tinnitus , moderate hearing loss, fatigue.
Jan 26 2019 Follow up MRI - unremarkable
15db hearing loss from last year. come and go facial symptoms