Author Topic: 51 Just been diagnosed  (Read 2998 times)


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51 Just been diagnosed
« on: July 24, 2005, 05:58:49 am »
I had a letter from the hospital yesterday stating I have AN. I have not been to the hospital yet to discuss or even have an appointment. I lost almost all of the hearing in my right ear about 2 years ago and was told that it is just one of those things. I have been blaming my mate for the loss of hearing. We both own Greyhounds and he gets a bit enthusiastic when his dog is winning shouting rather loud to say the least. Must admit, I am a bit to put it polite annoyed that the hospital did not look further into the loss of hearing.

 I have got over the initial shock and have started looking at treatments and possible after effects. Any help would be appreciated. One worry is that I own a business and am just about to expand into another area. This will require me being there to oversee the expansion. With all the possible side effects think I might have to give up on this plan for a while.

Only symptoms I have are that I cannot make out speech a slight numbness to the right side of my face at times. That's about it.

Jeff from the UK


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Re: 51 Just been diagnosed
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2005, 06:41:36 pm »
  I see a 10 day old post here.
  Do you know how large the tumor is?
  If you don't want to take time away from work, radiation 'may' be  choice for you.
  Sooooo; Where abouts is the tumor located and how large?
  I believe there is a good neurological and neurosurgical unit, however, in the UK. Also, Germany.
  Check IRSA in a web search under "Centers of Excellence".
  Never heard of FSR providers innthe UK unless you are willing to travel to say, John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Massacheusetts USA