Author Topic: are you still as sharp mentally ?  (Read 9023 times)


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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2019, 05:18:11 am »
Yes, me too.  Sometimes In conversation I have to concentrate very very hard to find the right words. Often I forget what I'm looking for and have to retrace my steps. Somehow during surgery with our brain exposed and with many tools something was rewired. But, I always say things could be worse but are they?

Maria Odete

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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2019, 04:49:33 pm »
Hello everyone,

I was forced to give up my job as a medical office assistant/medical transcriptionist 4 years after my Acoustic Neuroma surgery. I underwent through a psychiatric assessment, and I was diagnosed with a depressive disorder. I associate this diagnosis with the Acoustic Neuroma surgery. Thankfully to my God Yahweh, I have been in remission for many years. My God gave me my sanity back, and He has blessed me with 2 grandchildren that keep me very happy and busy. I'm a happy human being again.

Maria Odete

Surgical Team: Dr. Fraser Noel, ENT/Neuro-Otologist, Victoria, B.C. Canada and Dr. Michael Boyd, Neurosurgeon, Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Dx: 3.5 cm Acoustic Neuroma. Complete Resection.
Year of Surgery: 1992

Psalm 83:18: "Let men know that You, Whose Name Alone is YAHWEH ,are the Supreme Head over all the earth!" - The Holy Scriptures
Isaiah 43:10 - Isaiah 54:17  -
Psalm 105:15 - Isaiah 65:13,14 - Psalm 105:3 -The Holy Scriptures

Maria Odete

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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2019, 12:50:51 pm »

I'm adding this to my previous post: It's a well-established fact that depressive disorders cause brain fog,thus impairing brain acuity.

Maria Odete

Dr. Fraser Noel, ENT/Neuro-Otologist, Victoria,B.C.,Canada and Dr. Michael Boyd, Neurosurgeon,Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Dx: 3.5 cm Acoustic Neuroma. Complete Resection.
Year of Surgery: 1992

Psalm 83:18: "Let men know that You, Whose Name Alone is YAHWEH ,are the Supreme Head over all the earth!" - The Holy Scriptures
Isaiah 43:10 - Isaiah 54:17  -
Psalm 105:15 - Isaiah 65:13,14 - Psalm 105:3 -The Holy Scriptures

Maria Odete

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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2019, 03:34:58 pm »
I translated my post  into Portuguese, my mother tongue, to help those who don't understand the English language and who understand the Portuguese language. I hope you don't mind.

Traduzido para Portugues.

Ola a todos,

Desculpem-me por omitir os acentos na letras proprias. Este forum nao oferece esse recurso.

Aqui vai parte da minha historia pertinente do Neuroma do Acustico que fui diagnosticada em 1992:

Fui forcada a desistir do meu trabalho secular que exerci como assistente de consultorio medico/transcritora 4 anos apos a minha operacao do Neuroma do Acustico. Fui submitida a uma avaliacao psiquiatrica, e fui diagnosticada com uma disordem depressiva. Eu associo este diagnostico com a surgeria do neuroma do Acustico. Gracas ao meu Deus Yahweh ( o Deus da Biblia), tenho estado em remissao por muitos anos. O meu Deus deu-me a minha sanidade novamente, e Ele abencoou-me com 2 netinhos que me fazem muito feliz e ocupada. Sou um ser humano feliz novamente.

E um fato bem-establecido que as desordens depressivas causam nevoeiro cerebral, portanto afetando assim a acuidade cerebral.

Maria Odete

Equipe Cirurgica: Doutor Fraser Noel, Especialista de doencas  do nariz,ouvidos e garganta/Neurotologista ,Victoria, Columbia Britanica, Canada e Doutor Michael Boyd, Neurocirugiao, Vancouver, Columbia Britanica, Canada

Versos Biblicos: Salmo 83:18-Isaias 46:4-Levitico 20:26- Jeremias 29:11
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 05:50:06 pm by Maria Odete »
Dx: 3.5 cm Acoustic Neuroma. Complete Resection.
Year of Surgery: 1992

Psalm 83:18: "Let men know that You, Whose Name Alone is YAHWEH ,are the Supreme Head over all the earth!" - The Holy Scriptures
Isaiah 43:10 - Isaiah 54:17  -
Psalm 105:15 - Isaiah 65:13,14 - Psalm 105:3 -The Holy Scriptures

Maria Odete

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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2019, 08:55:34 am »

Errei ortograficamente: Em vez de digitar corretamente a palavra cirurgia no texto acima, digitei em erro : descrevi "surgeria".

As minhas desculpas.

Maria Odete
Dx: 3.5 cm Acoustic Neuroma. Complete Resection.
Year of Surgery: 1992

Psalm 83:18: "Let men know that You, Whose Name Alone is YAHWEH ,are the Supreme Head over all the earth!" - The Holy Scriptures
Isaiah 43:10 - Isaiah 54:17  -
Psalm 105:15 - Isaiah 65:13,14 - Psalm 105:3 -The Holy Scriptures


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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #20 on: August 18, 2019, 01:05:59 pm »
Glad to hear you are in remission from your depressive disorder (and have the beautiful grand children), Maria Odete.

I really appreciate this thread becuase it can feel lonely when knowing that it is a bit more difficult to keep up, and can add to the feelings of loneliness.  I just made my 1 year mark post surgery and 4-5 months post CK, realized the other day that my ability to be productive (e.g. both work full time AND do things around the house) is so much better than just 3 months ago.  I still go to bed earlier than most, but there is hope out there!
5/17/18: 2.7 x 2.2 x 2.1cm
8/12/18 right retrosigmoid craniotomy @UNC
8/15/18: 1.0 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm
3/04/19: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm
4/23/19 Cyber Knife treatment
10/23/19 0.7 x 0.3 x 0.8 cm

Maria Odete

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  • Psalm 37:23,24 - Leviticus 20:26 -Romans 13:4
Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #21 on: August 18, 2019, 02:12:14 pm »
Dear Jami,

Thank you for your encouragement and compliments. Yes, I have 2 beautiful grandchildren,indeed.

I'm glad that you are more productive now than 3 months ago. That's a big improvement. Get plenty of rest.

All the best to you.

Maria Odete
Dx: 3.5 cm Acoustic Neuroma. Complete Resection.
Year of Surgery: 1992

Psalm 83:18: "Let men know that You, Whose Name Alone is YAHWEH ,are the Supreme Head over all the earth!" - The Holy Scriptures
Isaiah 43:10 - Isaiah 54:17  -
Psalm 105:15 - Isaiah 65:13,14 - Psalm 105:3 -The Holy Scriptures


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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #22 on: August 28, 2019, 07:54:36 pm »
Glad to hear you are in remission from your depressive disorder (and have the beautiful grand children), Maria Odete.

I really appreciate this thread becuase it can feel lonely when knowing that it is a bit more difficult to keep up, and can add to the feelings of loneliness.  I just made my 1 year mark post surgery and 4-5 months post CK, realized the other day that my ability to be productive (e.g. both work full time AND do things around the house) is so much better than just 3 months ago.  I still go to bed earlier than most, but there is hope out there!

That's good to hear. I'm about 2 months out and get frustrated with the fatigue issues and generally feeling wiped way earlier than I used to.


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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #23 on: September 02, 2019, 07:21:43 pm »

One day you will realize it has been weeks since you thought about the surgery and that the surgery no longer defines you.  Take advantage of the time where no one in their right mind would disagree that you deserve to rest!
5/17/18: 2.7 x 2.2 x 2.1cm
8/12/18 right retrosigmoid craniotomy @UNC
8/15/18: 1.0 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm
3/04/19: 1.0 x 0.8 x 0.5 cm
4/23/19 Cyber Knife treatment
10/23/19 0.7 x 0.3 x 0.8 cm


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Re: are you still as sharp mentally ?
« Reply #24 on: September 08, 2019, 08:55:08 am »
Thanks jami, that's good advice, I will take it to heart. I had somebody on Friday looking/acting concerned about my general state saying 'dude be sure to rest up this weekend'! Mostly I have done that.

Can't wait for 'weeks since I thought of surgery'. I think the main thing currently is the balance issues. It's weird, yes I can walk around (shakily) in the dark and when I do suggested vestibular exercises they seem 'easy' but something always feels 'off' and toward the end of the day I get wobbly to the point of even stumbling. My main thing currently is a whole lot of walking, including the head moving thing. I'm hoping gradually it kicks in or else I just get used to 'new normal'.