Besides the 3 nerves that run through the IAC is there anything else like brain matter or muscle material or is it empty with only blood ? Reason for asking is my AN is very small but is causing plenty of symptoms which I understand can be normal. I figured it may be putting pressure on my facial nerve without really touching it. I'm in the VA system and I was not given any real information. I've only one had one visit with the ENT after my first MRI. My second MRI 6 months later came back as unremarkable. They scheduled my next MRI next year in Jan. I started with sudden hearing loss in march 17. Got 80-90% back. I lost 15% over the past year but still considered moderate loss mostly high end. My T is so loud I can't hear the high tones. My VA audiologist was wondering why I was not shown my MRI results. I've started having more frequent facial symptoms almost Daily coming and going. I was wondering if I could have facial symptoms without the AN actually touching the nerve but somehow putting pressure on it . I did get copies of my MRI's . I don't see a measurement tool. It looks like a grain of rice.
2 . About 10 days after my second MRI w/contrast I woke up with sharp pain in my right temple (opposite side of AN) . Really weird symptoms of numb spots , red blotches, and getting sore bumps on my scalp with daily headaches which lasted for 3 months but has cleared up recently. I'm on blood thinners for AFIB so the VA advised a CT scan to look for blood clots or bleeding. Nothing was found. My gut says it's the contrast but of course it's speculation. But I'm a little scared to do contrast again and go through that misery again. I see they scheduled my next mri with contrast again. Do they really need contrast again? I've read quite a few people refusing which I think I'm going to do.