Author Topic: CSF LEAK 4 YEARS POST AN REMOVAL & AIR TRAVEL  (Read 2302 times)

Sonia in Sydney

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« on: October 20, 2019, 06:09:21 pm »
Hi US AN community, its been some time since i visited this site and looking for advice and or similar experiences. I had my AN removed 4.5 years ago (Jan 2015) and a few days after surgery I experienced a CSF leak that was repaired. I have not had any issues since then with leaking but this year in March 2019 i started to notice clear liquid dripping from my nose that once tested, was found to be CSF fluid. I immediately commenced antibiotics and DRS gave me several options of how to repair the leak. I decided to run with blocking the leak through the nose using fat from my thigh. The least invasive method. This procedure was effective for about 4 weeks but i noticed the leak return and the same ENT DR went back in and repaired through the nose again using cartlidge from my nose. This leak seemed to be ok for a few months and check up were all positive but in August this year i contracted meningitis as the leak had returned but i didn't realise this until getting very unwell. I spent 10 days in hospital on heavy antibiotics which i continued at home for a few days post discharge.

I am now on the mend and doing light exercise again but nothing like i used to based on DRs advice. A few weeks post meningitis i had the leak repaired again, this time by closing off my middle ear with tissue from my thigh. This treatment seems to be working and the DR performed a CT scan late last week which showed my brain is showing no air pockets which could be the result of another leak. 

The reason for my post, i am keen to hear if anyone has experienced leaks like this so long after initial surgery and if you have travelled on commercial flights since having the leak. I am supposed to fly to Barcelona this Thursday with my husband for a wedding and we are very excited to have some time out together after months of health issues. My DR is happy for me to travel but cannot guarantee if a leak will happen again. Though he feels its likely i will be ok and should go, as he says another leak could happen again whether we travel or not. The wound is not 100% healed but will really only be totally healed in 1 years time. My DR also talked about the pressure of exercise with weights on my brain being far worse than the gradual incline of an air craft. (i have stopped all exercise except for walking) I don't want to pause our lives and not live the way we want to due to a leak. I am 43 years old and have a young family i would like to enjoy fo a very long time. Please share your stories, as i am very anxious at the moment and need to hear from those who have actually been through similar. Thank you.
Diagnosed 4cm acoustic neuroma 12/17/14
Tumour Removal 1/27/15
CF Leak repaired. 1/31/15
Right Facial Palsy. (diagnosed as temporary)
Tarsorrhaphy performed.
Right side deafness.
Balance improvement post op.