Author Topic: Nerve resection surgery by Dr. Ducic  (Read 26185 times)


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Re: Nerve resection surgery by Dr. Ducic
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2017, 04:59:48 pm »
Tom, I would love to hear how you're doing now, too.



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Re: Nerve resection surgery by Dr. Ducic
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2017, 04:41:22 pm »
Tom, please let me know how the Ocipital nerve resection worked for you. This is the first time I'm hearing about it. I haven't been on the forum for a few years. I had my surgery in November 08 and have had extreme headaches since. Nerve blocks help a bit but not for long. Coughing and sneezing is like a grenade going off in my head.
    My pain specialist wants to do a chemical nerve ablation now but this surgery seems more permanent. Please advise if your pain is gone. Thank you.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2017, 04:45:36 pm by kzanana »


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Re: Nerve resection surgery by Dr. Ducic
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2017, 09:56:47 am »
Hi I am at the point where I am ready to contact him regarding relief for trigeminal nerve pain.
Anyone go to him for this specifically.
I am tired of trying meds. I had surgery 13 years ago. It's getting worse with the pain.
NOT daily thank God but it's impacting my life.
I have tried many meds.
Thanks for your insight.


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Re: Nerve resection surgery by Dr. Ducic
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2021, 11:39:06 am »
Hi - I'd love to know how things are working out, even though it's been a few years  I'm having major issues where my incision is located, and it's so bad that it affects the entire back of my head, makes my balance bad and gets worse as the day goes on.  Nobody seems to be able to help me, and I"m tired of being bounced from specialist to specialist because they don't understand, and instead, have painted me as a hypochondriac.   Thanks!!