You have several choices. Number 1, live with the hearing you have left and evaluate how it impacts your life. If you are happy, then do nothing.
Number 2, an audiologist needs to test your hearing and they can guide to to a cross or BAHA. They fit different types of hearing loss.
A BAHA surgery is an out patient surgery and it is not a major surgery. You can watch a BAHA surgery on YouTube.
I have a BAHA on my right ear and I wear a Resound hearing aid in my left ear. My good ear is going south because I have developed an AN on my left ear. You might be totally satisfied with a hearing aid. A lot of days I never use my BAHA. I cannot wear a hat with my BAHA so my hearing aid is my best friend.
Again, you have several choices, but let your audiologist guide you. They know more about hearing technology than the ENT does.