One option is to find an ENT that is familiar with Cochlear and their products and make an appointment to discuss options.
You can go on The Cochlear website ( Cochlear.com) and there is an option to “ find a clinic” near you that is familiar with them. You could start there and discuss your options. I believe a hearing exam by an audiologist will be discussed and that should tell them if you have a good hearing nerve,, I think ,,,,I’m not a doctor but this has been my experience. I believe you will need a current hearing test before ordering any unit. You will also need the recommendation from the ENT saying you “ need” one.
I had translab surgery in 2011 and received my first BAHA in 2014. I have recently upgraded to the latest version of the BAHA and love it!!
I wish you luck and hope you are able to get some hearing help. Maybe it will help some with the tinnitus,,