Author Topic: clean up  (Read 6235 times)


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Re: clean up
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2006, 02:35:36 am »
Hi, i dont know if its any help, but i often post on a site called   they had a huge problem with spam, and it is now sorted completely, maybe who is in charge of this site could get in touch with the webmaster on that site for info on how to stop it?

It would be terrible if this site wasnt around anymore, i would be really  :(  everyone seems so nice, friendly and helpful, It would be a real shame if it was closed because of a spam problem.




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Re: clean up
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2006, 04:39:32 am »
Hi All, speaking of cleaning up and getting rid of 'non An related' threads. It's intereting to note that one thread, 'Good Morning!' has had 29653 hits, with 1000+ replies. Now if that doesn't send a message to admin, I don't know what does. Sounds to me like humour is pretty popular amongst us.

Also, if we're going to have some humour amongst some serious info as part of our support strategies, how are they going to deal wit that?

Just some thoughts. Keep smiling!

Ciao, Lorenzo
« Last Edit: December 13, 2006, 04:41:40 am by mylump »