Two year checkup, everything good. MRI shows a minor shrinkage of the AN, balance still good, hearing still sucks, no superpower development as of yet. Still have minor ringing tinnitus, but it's becomes so ubiquitous that I don't even notice it unless I happen to think about it being there.
I have lost 75 pounds since the last time around (intentionally, not really related to the AN) so that may have improved balance, etc..
The worst thing is that he told me last time that if I was good after the last two years he'd cut me loose, now he added another 3 year checkup to it.. Oh well, no big deal, at least that will coincide with the year that my insurance will spring for a new set of hearing aids, no doubling up the deductible to do that and an MRI. If he does that again next visit, I'll go ahead and hit him with "now wait just a danged minute....."