Author Topic: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog  (Read 8545 times)


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Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« on: January 19, 2007, 08:47:25 pm »
I usually don't start threads because I'm not very good at it but since I've been having quite a few major headaches lately which I think have mostly to do with the barometer and partly to do with stress, I was wondering if anybody else can add stress as a factor to their headaches?  All of us have been under alot of stress just having to deal with all of the AN issues let alone many other things life has to offer us! Which leads me to the following story:

Recently I had to have my pup spayed.  She is a bit older for this but I had been told to wait until she was closer to 9 months before having her spayed and lo and behold, she went into heat.  Ok, so now she's 11 months being  spayed and I ran into a  few technical difficulties.  Anybody who has talked to me in PM's knows that she is very important to me.  After a very difficult morning yesterday of dropping her off for the spay, I got a call later and was asked questions by the vet, one of which was, is she pregnant?  Upon further conversation, it seems that she was going through a false pregnancy but I was told it was ok to still have her spayed.  I was at work so I just told them to go ahead with it if it was ok.  So then, on my break at home, I start looking through the internet and found out that she could also have had symptoms of something else.   Here's what I read ......

"Dog Dropsy
If the dog's womb is bloated but the dog himself is thin, then we are faced with a serious symptom. Everything indicates a womb dropsy (ascitis). At first sight, the animal can seem fat, but the skin folds are very thin, his loins are angled and his womb has a large amount of liquid which makes a splashy noise. This is a very serious affliction and with an unfavorable prognostication, even with the right treatment. Don't waste any time and head for the veterinarian ASAP!

Dog Piometra
In the feared formation of pus in the uterus, medically called piometra, the increase of the corporal perimeter is only one symptom among many others (and it might not even show). If your female dog is increasingly thirsty, vomits occasionally, and has blood fluxes even out of the mating period, then you must consider the possibility of piometra. Female dogs who have never given birth are especially prone. Faced with the suspicion, you should go to the veterinarian as the chances of being cured are higher the sooner you go. In general, the veterinary treatment consists in surgically removing the ovaries and womb."

So then I started thinking, was she was drinking more or not.  How long ago was it that I saw her eating grass?  Was she spotting and I just didn't see it because I just didn't see it?  My worry made me start to second guess myself. It doesn't take much to make me start worrying alot. 

She isn't really that big in size, but I had noticed that she probably could be wearing a bra, and figured it was just because she had already gone in heat.  Apparently she was producing milk because of the false pregnancy and didn't have the other problems noted above.  I was really worried about her though and did not sleep well at all last night (she had to stay over at the vet).

I spoke with the vet again 2 more times last night, this morning and we picked her up around 11am.  She's sleeping at my feet now but she does seem to be back to her regular self.  I'm sure I will keep worrying until her 2 weeks of rest required by the vet are over and she can run around with us again!

I considered myself fairly knowledgeable about dogs and in the past, did have a dog (a beagle) who had a litter of 6 pups that I had to deliver and do remember hearing about the possibility of a dog having a false pregnancy, but I had never heard anything about piometra before.  I just wanted to let everyone who has dogs and never heard of this before, become aware as it can be life threatening if not treated properly.  We all have enough things to go through and I feel that by becoming aware of all possibilities in dealing with ourselves, our kids and our animals, it empowers us to become more responsive to our/their needs for survival.  Sorry that this doesn't really relate to AN's and maybe it should have been posted somewhere else, but for me, it relates to stress headaches and this is where it ended up.  Hope it can be of help to someone!


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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2007, 12:05:34 am »
HI Karen,

You don't normally start threads becuae you're not good at it??  LOL  Believe me, this IS a good start of one!

I don't have a dog, and never have either, so I can't relate to all that. (Don't have kids either, but anyway, they don't get phantom pregnancies, only real ones...)
Sounds like a real nightmare for you and the poor dog, hope she's getting better and all will be fine again. From your description I can get a good idea of what it was like for you!

Stress can give me headaches too, certainly trigger them. One thing that my docs told me before I left Stanford was 'Keep away from stress'. (They also told me to eat more vegetables, but that was more to do with the steroids, and it's beside the point here.) :) I have been trying to keep away from stress ever since, and mostly I succeed, except for this week when I had the mother of all stresses, and more headaches and pains I care to think about.

So, I would say yes, you're  ot alone in the stress headache story.

Look after yourself and your pup.

All the best, Lorenzo


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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2007, 04:55:00 am »
Static Hope the dog is recovering well.And yes I find stress to greatly increase my headaches and make them that much harder to get rid of.
Lorenzo...humans have psydo-pregancies!!! Only ultrasound can rule out preg. when all symptoms of same are there.
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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2007, 04:59:11 am »

Really? Learn something new every day! Amazing... 'Honeyyyyyyy........' Wait until I tell her... She knew. Well, yes, I am clueless when it coes to all that. I can't blame the An for it, but maybe not having kids could form an explanation for my ignorance? Possibly?? Ok, maybe not.

Thanks for correcting me on that!

Ciao, Lorenzo
« Last Edit: January 20, 2007, 05:46:13 am by Lorenzo »


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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2007, 10:31:14 am »
Thanks for your concern.  My husband didn't know anything about any of this either and we have 2 girls,so I don't think not having kids is the reason  :-X!  Zoey is doing okay so far today, I slept on the floor with her last night (well she was in her bed and I was next to it) because she loves to sleep in my bed but isn't allowed to jump.  I've had to give her benadryl to calm her down a bit because she doesn't realize she could hurt herself!  She still seems to be in the false pregnancy thing to a certain extent, and it also looks like she could feed a few pups, if she had them, by the size of her mammory glands!  Headache wasn't too bad upon waking this morning until I started doing a few things  :-[ .  I know I need to stay away from stress but sometimes stress doesn't stay away from me!  Trying though and hoping the headaches will let up some.  Thanks again!
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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2007, 06:21:49 pm »
For me, I definitely thinks that , stress and headache is a viscious cycle--the stress causes more headache which in turn causes more stress and on and on. I lost my dear doggie right before Thanksgiving and was pretty miserableand totally stressed out for most of the holidays, and even delveloped an upper respiratory infection which caused me to cough which caused more headache--and on and on--OY!
When I had a bad headache, I would put Ursa in bed with me and snuggle her really close and it really helped calm me down and feel better. I've had a difficult time adjusting to life without her. I met a yellow Lab puppy while walking the beach in NC this past week and it was the highlight of my and Dr Love's trip. We're not ready to have another pet just yet--we've a little travelling to do.

Capt Deb
"You only have two choices, having fun or freaking out"-Jimmy Buffett
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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2007, 09:42:35 pm »
My dog was snuggling up next to me this morning and I definitely didn't want to get up #1 because of the headache I woke up with and #2 cuz she's warm and cute and fuzzy!  The coughing does make it worse and trying to cough but being unable to becuase of the dryness in the air, ugh.  I  hope tomorrow is better.  I had to put a dog down last year, just a couple months after we got Zoey and it was the worse thing in the world, but already having the puppy definitely made a difference because she was a major distraction and always full of loving!
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Re: Stress Headaches..... and a note about my dog
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2007, 06:12:23 am »
My Pug went through a false pregnancy and it wasn't fun at all.  I will keep both you and Zoey in my prayers and hope each day she gets stronger and the stress becomes less for you. 
Brenda Oberholtzer
AN surgery 7/28/05
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