Author Topic: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?  (Read 7258 times)


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Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« on: May 05, 2005, 01:32:16 pm »
My husband was just DX with an 1cm AN, We have kaiser insurance. We have been referred to Dr. Roberto Cueva in San Diego. I am wondering if any one has used him? We have a appointment tomorrow with HEI. We need to know the best way to get Kaiser to send us outside of their network. Thanks Deb


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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2005, 12:43:03 pm »
I had the two most wonderful surgeons at Kaiser, San Diego--Dr's. Cueva and Mastrodemas.  They were great and my whole experience was very good.  I am so pleased I didn't have to go far.  There's not alot out there about them, but these two physicians do ALL of the acoustic neuroma surgery for Southern California Kaiser--That is from LA south. 


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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2005, 12:44:09 pm »
p.s.  If I were you, I'd feel safe right where you are.  Cueva and Mastrodemas are a particularly skillful team.


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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2005, 09:34:19 pm »
Thank you so much for answering! Would you mind telling me more about your AN, size, when you had it removed, what were your side effects etc? Thanks, Debb


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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2005, 02:27:31 pm »
Hi Debb,

Sure.  The size of my tumor was 3.5 cm. (large).  I had the surgery 12/29/05 and was out of the hospital on New Years Day.

The surgery was 8 hours.  I had a translabyrinthian approach, in which the hearing nerve is severed.  The surgeons chose this because of the size and location of the tumor.  It had taken up the entire cerabellapontine angle (which is normally full of cerebral spinal fluid) and was compressing on the brain stem.   The surgeons used a facial nerve monitor during surgery and were able to locate the facial nerve immediately.  They did tell me to expect facial paralysis (which most likely would be temporary and that was i bit frightening).   However, when the nerve is found and they are able to avoid it during surgery,your odds for any permanent facial paralysis decrease.

I experienced temporary facial paralysis due to inflamation of the nerve itself.  It was a bit troublesome--but frankly, I was so glad to be alive.  The main difficulty with that was swallowing my medication, eating and drinking.  The good news is, I lost some weight--about 5-10 lbs and got a tummy tuck on one side (with the translab approach, the doctors take some fat from the abdomen to fill any airpockets left behind in order to avoid cerebral spinal fluid leak).  Right now, 4 months, post-surgery, my face looks pretty much completely normal unless I laugh, then it's about 80%.  The doctors say, should be back to normal within 8 months.  In the great scheme of things--what's a few months anyway.

I also experienced dry eye, but my eye closed, so that was important.  I still use drops--I hated this stuff called lacrilube and got something else that was milder and I also use systane. 
I ended up getting some glasses because I couldn't wear my contacts (and the people over in opthamology/Kaiser were equally as great).  I'm back in contacts now though.

In 2 months, I was back to work full time.  Work actually is very theraputic.  I'm an attorney, so I have to talk alot to my clients, so the constant talking is really good for the facial nerve--seems to give it a work out.

The day I got home, I resumed my exercise routine (in a limited fashion) and really started up full swing again I guess after about 3 weeks.

I have an 8 year old beautiful daughter and a wonderfully supportive husband.  My parents and sister actually came down from Sacramento and stayed with me to help for about a month.  The support was just fantastic and important to recovery--My mom made me soup and I felt like a baby all over again--but hey, who couldn't shave a few years off anyway!

My whole experience with Kaiser was great.  You know these two doctors have worked as a team for a very long time and have performed many operations--If you ask them how many, I'm sure they'll tell you.  I'm also confident that the team that they choose to work with them will be hand-picked (i.e. anesthesiologists, surgery nurses and icu people).

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.  Also, if I didn't mention it -- go to and type in acoustic neuroma--there' a plethora of information!!

Best Wishes,



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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2005, 06:29:36 pm »
I'm also going to Cueva and Mastrodimas at Kaiser in San Diego, and I'd like to know how many of these operations they've done.  They seem like very competent and professional men, but experience counts.
Anybody else have anything to say about these 2 doctors?


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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2005, 03:49:22 pm »
I had my surgery in December for a 3 cm acoustic neuroma.  Drs. Cueva and Mastrodemas were my surgeons.  They are spectacular and you are in very good hands.  Dr. Cueva developed the monitor that is now used in all the surgeries to protect the hearing nerve. Additionally, they perform all of the surgeries for acoustic neuroma and other skull based surgeries for Southern California Kaiser--that is really quite a lot of surgeries, considering that I believe most state and federal employees as well as a multitude of private companies now use Kaiser as an insurance provider.

You are in good hands in my humble opinion.



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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2005, 11:23:19 am »
I just joined this chat room and I am so pleased to hear about the two doctors in San Diego.  I live in New Jersey and our daughter, Anne (26 year old llives in Portland, OR) has a large Acoustic Neuroma tumor (3cm x4cm) and we are traveling to San Diego to talk with Dr. Mastrodimos on August 16th.  My soul is already starting to settle down a little.  Thank you for your encouraging words.  All information is extremely helpful. 



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Re: Has any one used any surgeons at Kaiser?
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2005, 09:39:28 am »
I just got back from San Diego from New Jersey.  My daughter and I met with the team of doctors and they said that they do 5o AN surgeries a year and that they have been together for 10 years.  They were socialable, but most importantly professional and highlly knowledgable.  My daughter's surgery is September 7th.  I will keep you posted.  Good luck.
