Author Topic: Rebarman - update  (Read 2517 times)


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Rebarman - update
« on: February 08, 2007, 10:14:58 am »
Well, considering everything, I feel like million bucks. Getting more and more energy everyday, and have actually been at my desk working a few hours in the morning and a few in the afternoon. I know that it is easier for me since I do work at home, and can easily move between the bedroom and the office, but have amazed myself and my family that was sure that I would be out 4-6 weeks. Getting about the house has been okay, since we live in a ranch and the only steps I have to cross is the curb into the shower. The dogs (2 Great Danes) have been very good about staying out from under my feet. They do wonder why "Dad" has been laying around more than he used too.  :)

Balance, in the house has been okay. I do still have the "wobbly" head feeling if I get up too fast, or move too quickly, but as long as I am able to reach out and grab onto something if needed, I feel pretty good. Driving is still a month or so away, but my Mom is staying with us for another week or so, in case I need to get somewhere, or just out of the house for a bit. I go back to Dr. Olson's office next Tues. for check-up, staple and stitch removal, and Dr. Mattox next Wed. for his check-up and review. Those will be the first "real test" of getting out and actually walking more than just down to the mailbox and back.

Total loss of hearing on left side is taking some getting used to in that things don't sound the same. Telephone ringing, TV, radio, all sound different than they used to, but then again, with 70% hearing loss in left ear before surgery, it wasn't like I was hearing that much to begin with on that side.

Anyway, thanks again to all of your thoughts while I took my turn under the knife. This site has given me a great deal of information, support, and contact with some people I now consider friends. Knock on wood, so far, I haven't had any bad headaches, and the "droopy" face isn't really that noticeable. The Dr's said they tested the nerves while doing surgery and were very pleased with the reading, so I shouldn't have any long term complications. I can't say enough about my Dr's, and while I know they are not convenient to many of you, if you are anywhere close to Atlanta Ga, you should at least consider them in your options.
1.5cm x 1.4 cm AN on left side
Removed by Translab on Jan 29, 2007
Dr. Mattox & Dr. Olson @ Emory Univ. Hosp.


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Re: Rebarman - update
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2007, 11:36:01 am »
Happy to hear things are going well for you post surgery.

Take it Easy, don't overdo it!
4+ cm, left side
translab 5/9/2005
CSF leak repair 6/23/2005
platinum weight in left eye 11/9/05
12/7 nerve switch 8/3/06
Univ. of MN Drs. Levine/Haines


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Re: Rebarman - update
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 11:55:34 am »
It's great to hear you're doing so well!  Relax, let others take care of you, and don't push yourself too hard!   ;D

diagnosed June 2005
2.3cmx1.6cmx1.4cm left AN
translab Sept 13, 2006; Drs. McKenna and Barker in MA (MEEI/MGH)


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Re: Rebarman - update
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 01:14:59 pm »

Trying to book my tix to Atlanta to see my family on the Northside of town... will keep you and all Hotlanta folks updated for when I am to be there (was suppose to go tomorrow, for the weekend, but plans change....)

Continued wishes of wellness to you... get some rest... don't push too hard when your body is talking back... and hang in there!

Phyl :)
"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness", Capt Jack Sparrow - Davy Jones Locker, "Pirates of the Carribbean - At World's End"


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Re: Rebarman - update
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2007, 07:47:28 pm »
Hello rebarman:

It is great news that you feel like a million bucks!!  My surgeons called it "survivor euphoria".  I felt the same way.  So darn glad it was over and feeling reasonably well considering I did have a hole drilled in my head.  Do you have any neck pain?  For me, that was the only pain I had.

Keep in touch and congrats on the textbook recovery.


ps:  Did you have the pressure bandage for a few days???  Mine was so tight I think my skull is shaped different.... ;D
Kathy - Age 54
2.5 cm translab May '04
University of Minnesota - Minneapolis
Dr. Sam Levine - Dr. Stephen Haines