Author Topic: crazy or what????  (Read 10813 times)


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Re: crazy or what????
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2007, 10:03:59 am »
   Hello prople again, I just got back from the dr. and my dilantin dose is fine.  Now I  was given a Namenda starter kit for the memory problems.  I was a little disapointed that my blood work came out fine.  I thought that would be the problem.  Back to the drawing board.  I write down {try to} the times when I forget things.Here are some of them:                                              Never can find the tv control.     My daughter will tell me 3 times when she will get off work-I forget.    My sister and I talked about who will have Easter.  I forgot.  Ithought we decided that I would, no I was wrong, she is.  I forgot.  I forget what I hve in the dryer.  Write down wrong days for appointments.   My husband Tells me where he's going, I forget. Wheres the keys?     Where is my chapstick?  I have been going to the Y for 3 weeks now, I take an exercise class there.  I still don't know anyones names, and I talk to them all the time.  I will ask them over again what their names are and then finelly I just don't say their names in a conversation that I am having.  My Mom is getting old and we talk about funerals and all that diffacult stuff and she gave me an obituary for the paper when the time comes.  As important as that is to me,I got in the house and layed it down and then forgot where I put it.  Heres one-- my kids have band one night a week.  Its been the same night for years, is it tues. or wed.? I can't even remember what my oldest got me for xmas. I think I said that one before.  This memory problem started about 3-4 years before the tumor.  It seems like it got worse.  Ya its menapause time but I think I'm loosing my mind sometimes.