Hi Superrmaren,
You went way back to find my very 1st post after surgery. It's been 2 1/2 months since my surgery and I'm doing great. I still don't have any movement on my right side of my face but I am adjusting. I got my eye weight and hardly ever use eye drops. I feel better now than I have in years. I still lead my small church choir and only have a small problem leading songs with too many words that start in P or F. "Standing on the Promises" becomes "Standing on the Pomises". The church members have been great through it all.
So you haven't had any movement in 7 mts. RATS!! I was hoping to see some kind of movement by now but not even the sightest twitch.
I thought I would never be excited to see a Doctor, but April 5 I get my BAHA device snapped on. I hear great out of the one ear but I have a had time when we are in the car hearing my wife's conversation.
Good luck in your continued recovery,