Author Topic: New to the group  (Read 9992 times)


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Re: New to the group
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2007, 10:11:54 am »

Anger, been there done that one, you will find peace, I am 8 weeks post op, and I sing our church choir and they tell me I sound better now that I am Deaf in left ear, I can't tell the difference.  Good luck at you appointment, go there with a list of questions and get them answered, some advice, if you want is to call ana and ask for their WTT list, talking to a surgery survivor who was 10 years post op and thriving ratcheted my fear level down a few notches and helped me to open up.  Also gosh this is a great place to find help and just vent.  Expressing your feelings is fine here, many of us have been through it all and can offer tidbits of advice, I have recieved some great advice, there are also inspirational stories here.  Hang in there and make sure you are comfortable with your decision whatever it might be.

God Bless,


2 cm Left Acoustic Neuroma Remved on 1/31/07
Via Retro Sigmoid resection at Hospital of U of Penn - complete removal by Drs. Judy and Bigelow.
Deaf in Left ear.  Looking at TransEar for dealing with SSD


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Re: New to the group
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2007, 09:10:23 pm »
i am 1 year post surgery, and I can understand your anger. You will experience every emotion under the sun, that is normal. Make sure you have a Strong support system, you will need it. Also do not make any earth shattering decisions untill you have recovered. I moved house 2 weeks after surgery, craziest thing I have ever done. Accept help, love, care, free meals, anything friends and family offer, take it. Try and find extreme patience, recovery can be slow [ hopefully not in your case ] Accept  you will be very tired a lot of the time and if you don't feel up to visitors, don't see them. 1 month after my surgery I checked into a hotel and didn't see anyone for 5 days I had room service and i my husband brought food every night, and then he went home. It was the best thing I ever did, my friends thought I was nuts, but you will get inundated by visitors and sometimes it is just nice to be totally alone. I wish I could have afforded to stay longer. Life is different now, I am trying to embrace the new me and all of the changes. I have still kept my sense of humor and I think that has really got me through tough times.  A therapist gave me a good piece of advise, " amongst all of this horse sh-t there is a pony " I am still looking for one and I have my saddle ready.


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Re: New to the group
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2007, 03:42:05 am »
PONY?  We get a PONY?  OH Boy!  Getting my saddle ready too!

Laura I had excruitiating head pain and was told by the so called "experts" that it could not be caused by my AN.  However, When I finally met the surgeon I chose they gave me decadron and my head pains went away.  I did not realize until that point that my head was hurting as bad as it was as I was a migraine sufferer for years prior to the AN.  The decadron is a nasty drug but one that helped saved my sanity before my surgery.  You sound like you've had your unfair share of life and then some.  I'm wishing you smooth sailing through all this We're all trying to come your way in July for the symposium so don't be surprised when we all show up for the dinner party :o)

Big Hugs!


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Re: New to the group
« Reply #33 on: April 06, 2007, 09:26:15 am »
Hey guys,

I am really having a bad day.  I went to the dr on Wednesday, and I have another apointment with a dr on 15th of May.  I have decided to have the surgery.  My hearing is so far gone already, that there is not too much to save.  I was sitting hear at work and was talking on the phone with my good ear, and I heard a noise and couldn't distinguish it.  It was my bosses phone from the other room.  I could hardly hear it.  I guess I didn't realize how bad my hearing was.  I then thought, wow I am going to lose it all after surgery.. I just started to cry.  My husband called just as I was in the middle of my meltdown, and as much as I tried to hide it he knew.  He tries to understand, but, he can't.  He is a fixer, and he can't fix this.  I knew that I could write to my buddies on the forum, because, you have all been there.  This seems to be the worst 3 weeks of my life, and unfortunately it's not going to get better real soon.  I have already lost some balance.  (Funny story, my husband and daughter said, not to get stopped by the cops, I won't pass the sobriety test)  I am real sorry for boo hooing, but, I just need to vent, I don't like people feeling sorry for me. Just listen to me, let me vent, and I will get over it.  I am looking at surgery sometime in June.  I want to have my daughter finish school and all of her baton competitions will be pretty much over by then.  I know with my friends here and God't help, I will get through this.  WOW, I really do feel better.  Thanks for listening.



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Re: New to the group
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2007, 10:29:55 am »

Glad to hear you were crying--very normal behaviour.  It's the body's way of releasing tension and bringing itself back to neutral.  All of this is overwhelming, I am sure this won't be the last time you release, and trying to stop the tears will "stuff" more tension on top of that which is already there.  Stuffing stress is not a good thing, so go ahead and have yourself a cry or two.  Been there and do do that! 

Tell "Mr. Fix-it" there is nothing he can do to fix this, but listening (w/o offering help) to you vent is something he can do.  I too have a "Mr. Fix-it" and he's learned if I "shush" him, he knows to just listening.  It really helps.  I'll be thinking of you and look forward to hearing from you sometime after your sugery--all my prayers to you. 
1/05 Retrosigmoid 1.5cm AN left ear, SSD
2/08 Labyrinthectomy left ear 
Dr. Patrick Antonelli Shands at University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
12/09 diagnosis of semicircular canal dehiscence right ear