Hi All,
On Friday, I go for my first appointment with a Radiation Oncologist. I don't know what to expect, but I assume it's more of a consultation, scheduling of treatment and question and answer session. My problem is, I don't really know what to ask. I understand for the most part what's going to happen, I just always tend to go blank in these appointments and can't think of any questions. Anyway, this time I'm making a list of questions and I thought you might be able to help me so that everything is covered. I'd appreciate any help.
For those that don't know me, I've already been through two microsurgeries to debulk and partially remove a 3.5cm AN that was embedded in my brainstem. After my first surgery I had a lot of swelling that kept me in the hospital for over a month. I guess you can say that it wasn't "textbook." My second surgery was much smoother, but Residual tumor still remains in my facial nerve, and sitting next to brainstem. It hasn't grown since my last surgery in 2/06, but I'm told that chances are that it will grow in my lifetime and it's best to deal with it now that it's not growing. My Doctor referred to it as a "battle" and now that the tumor is "retreating" and "on it's heals" it's the best time to "Keep attacking" instead of sitting back and waiting for it to "regroup and attack us again."
It sounds like GK is the way to go, and honestly, from what you all have told me. GK doesn't sound like that big of a deal. I've already lost all hearing in my left ear and my vestibular nerve was also severed in my first surgey. I have had no feeling in the left side of my face and left eye trouble since my first surgery in 10/04, which tells me that my facial nerve is damaged, but still in tact. I don't really know what other side effects GK could possibly cause since I've already dealt with most of it. I suppose my facial nerve could get worse?
Anyway, thanks for your help. I really do appreciate it.