Newcomer with 18mm AN left side, slight lose of hearing, tinnitus, and almost complete lose of equalibrium function left side (Dr. said that I shouldn't have much problem with balance Post-Treatment).
I have done a lot of reading and searching in the internet (English and German) the last two months. I have also talked to at least 10 different Doc's about options, and opinions. I have also talked with almost all of my friends and family to get input. I had a consultation with GK Frankfurt (Radiosurgery) middle of May and end of May with Prof.Dr Mann Uniklinik Mainz (Mikrosurgery). They both said they were my best option, as I expected. GK Frankfurt has over six years of experience in Frankfurt. Prof.Dr.Mann has also alot of experience, he operates AN patients every Monday and Friday (has done so for years) and is booked up until mid Sept. I still am not 100% sure what I will do, I made an OP appointment with Prof.Dr. Mann for 21 Sept 07, because I don't think I can just wait and watch. I can make a GK appointment within 2wks time, so thats no problem. One problem with GK is, I'm not sure that the insurance will pay for treatment or followup MRI's. (still have to talk with insurance).
In germany (after Microsurgery) the hospital stay is alot longer than in the USA. Normally 10-14 days postOP, and then 2-6 wks Rehabilitation Center, depending on PostOP problems, this is all payed for by insurance.
I'll be in the USA (first time since 1999) from 19 Aug-14 Sept. 07 visiting my parents in central Ill. I will also be trying to collect more info from doctors in the area.
If anyone has more info about Dr's, Hosp., and Kliniks in Germany or personnal experience, please let me know. I can read german if anyone wants to respond in german. I will be very thankfull for all info and opinions.
Dan (a little worried but still smiling)