My condolences to Mary Barber's family and friends.
I'm certain this untimely death will be carefully investigated by the hospital and outside authorities. Lawyers will be circling, I'm sure. However, the fact remains that the blood clot in Ms. Barbers' leg doesn't appear to be directly related to the AN surgery. No medical errors seem to be present, judging from the newspaper account, which is a bit sketchy, I admit, but all we have to go on.
Frankly, knowing of this this incident beforehand wouldn't have changed my decision to have AN surgery as any surgery carries some degree of risk. We all understand that reality. A blood clot is always a possibility associated with (any) surgery and can show up anywhere at any time, as this one did. They can also be fatal, as was the clot in Ms. Barber's case. It's ironic - Ms. Barber reportedly had a successful AN operation - but on closer investigation, hardly a negative reflection of AN surgery. Yet blood clot(s) are a risk we have to fully aware of, going in. To be blunt: life is a risk and AN surgery is usually imperative, not optional.