Author Topic: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)  (Read 4592 times)


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Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« on: May 10, 2007, 12:04:49 pm »
I was diagnosed with ACOUSTIC NEUROMA in my Left Ear

Neuro surgeins suggested surgery for me. Instead of Surgery I want to try some alternative medicine (Homeopathy), if any patient got good Results

I contacted few Homeopaths in INDIA also. But only problem is they are not giving any patients References 

1)   Does any body used Homeopathy for Brain tumors instead of Surgery or Radio surgery.
2)   Did any body got Positive outcomes ( means shrinking of Tumors etc )


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Re: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 05:19:13 pm » regards to alternative treatments for tumors within the brain/skull area......
I did indeed start with acupuncture..I have a vidian nerve could not readily be identified which is why I and my acupuncturist decided that at least an attempt at biopsy and resection would be the wise choice...
Initially he stated that there was a 30% chance of reducing and or eliminating tumor with acupuncture alone but he did not like those what I have done is a combo approach....
I use chinese herbs to assist my own immune system in healing from surgery..(did endo approach as mine is a skull base tumor) and am following up for alleviating trigeminal and vidian nerve pain...(after one treatment significanlty better by the way)

My acupuncturist is both an MD and Dr of chinese medicine and he does beleive in the radiation approach to skull tumors before surgery and then surgery and then that order.
If your AN is very small and positively identified thorugh the use of MRi imaging etc....then I would certainly try for self absorbtion....I am studying to become a master herbalist and I know of no known effective herbs and or homeopathy treatments for such wary of those all too easy claims of miracles...
You do have some time, so I would suggest you try it at least, but you really really really want someone qualified...just as you research regular Drs research your far as homeopathy...many treatments are effective for many things..but these are generally benign growths, so they are difficult to treat with remedies as it is not actually a foreign substance such as cancer etc.....
that is one reason herbals generally dont work well for these types of is not like a virus or bacteria.
So far, I have had great success with acupuncture for other ailments and would have tried it longer for my condition could we have identified my growth..
Did it affect the growth ??? unsure...I know it was sure calcified, so much so, it could not be removed 100% during I think acupuncture had this affect....probably, but have no proof....
Do your research and providing that your AN is not causing huge problems, you have time to try....research whom you will be working not use cancer herbal remedies, as that is not what is in your head and they will generally have no effect.
Keep us informed on your decision and good luck.
I am more than willing to discuss various options other than traditional approaches but this is touchy subject for this forum so please email me privately.
I will be gone this coming week so if you email me, it may be a week before I get back in touch..I am not ignoring you..
Let us know and good luck in your decsiion
Such is life...Finally identified...vidian nerve schwanomma, the middle but under my transphenoidal endoscopic surgery April 19th, 2007 Pre CK treatment in Sept cavity in hopes of reducing side effects and now officially diagnosed as hard headed.


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Re: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2007, 05:15:17 pm »
Hi Ceecee,

I would love to hear what else you have to say about this.  If you would please email me about that, I would appreciate it.

Thank you,



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Re: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2007, 05:29:01 pm »
I tried a tincture of Maitake Mushrooms (Maitake-DMG Liquid from DaVinci Laboratories of Vermont), which is an immune system booster and Nattokinase Plus for blood flow and circulation(also from DaVinci Laboratories).
It is unclear whether or not any of this could have any affect on AN's, though my friend who sold it to me is convinced it works on cancerous tumors.
I gave it a try and it seemed to help me (placebo effect?)  get through the couple of months up to my surgery, which is this thursday. I definitely feel that I am doing the right thing going ahead with the scheduled surgery though!

peace, tomas


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Re: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2007, 09:06:21 am »
As a long time natural med. advocate I will have to say that I have never heard of a AN being reduced by using a nautral approach (much as I hoped it would).  I used a lot of immune boosters, AO's and things of that sort. In retrospect I am not so sure they did not cause my tumor to grow faster. I know when you have radiation it is a no-no. Now, there is another lady with a fast growing cystic AN who has used some of these methods in a wait and watch approach. It may be that the tumor is trying to self destruct and has no whare to go. The cells seem to get less dense when in turn may cause it to become bigger or cystic. There is no research on this just an observation from a few who have tried this approach.

My tumor grew from 1.0 cm to 1.7 by the time of treatment. Nine months. This is not cancer and cancer and should not be compared to one. Don't get the two confused. Actually this tumor is a healthy cell not a mutated one. Already a over growth in my opinion.

I hope I have not given you more to worry about. Just be careful of any treatment nautrual or medical.

Cyberknife 1/2006
Clinton Medbery III & Mary K. Gumerlock
St Anthony's Hospital
Oklahoma City, OK
Name of Tumor: Ivan (may he rest in peace)


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Re: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2007, 08:38:26 pm »
Okie sandy....You make a correct point..this is not cancer.....
There is a big difference in how a mutated cell is treated verses a normal cell. which for the most part, benign growths are....what makes them grow is somewhat of a mystery and yes, certain herbs can affect them. However, one must think somewhat of a pearl inside an oyster...a small foreign or even normal body of virtually anything is found inside the skull...the body reacts appropriately and begins to encapsulate the item.....making it bigger etc.
To cut off the blood supply is whether it be by surgery, radiation, acupuncture etc. is the only way to stop the growth, and still since the foreign body..whatever it may be, is likely to still be there on a cellular level, there is not way to 100% stop, since most are so slow growing, it is not an issue
Creating and positive health balance...and not alllllll herbal treatments and immune boosters are a no no for treatment, should indeed be taken into consideration. But, alot depends on the treatment, how the tumor is affecting the individual and whether or not the growth can simply be stopped....not all pearls grow humongous.......
Such is life...Finally identified...vidian nerve schwanomma, the middle but under my transphenoidal endoscopic surgery April 19th, 2007 Pre CK treatment in Sept cavity in hopes of reducing side effects and now officially diagnosed as hard headed.


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Re: Does any body used Alternate medicne ( Homeopaty etc.)
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2007, 07:29:54 am »
There is one line of thought that the tumor will grow looking for a new blood supply.

I consult with a naturapathic doctor and find that some of these herbs and anit-oxidents can really put you out of whack.
Doing it on your own is not advised. Look at the vit. E, shark liver oil studies. Vitamine A, hip fractures also converts to beta carotene another big no, no. Now the evidence that vitamins can make pre-existing cancer cells grow with lung cancer and prostate cancer. Do we actually know when we start taking things that we don't have some cancer cell waiting to be fed? Another big hype is Soy, Estorgen dominate. Like we need more estrogen. Our meat iand some veggies are full of it. No wonder men are growing breasts, it is in everything almost.

Every book I read on autoimmune disease touts anti-oxidents for treatment. The nauturapathic doctor has a good success rate, better in fact than the medical doctors treating Lupus and Parkinsons. Her theory is if you feed the enemy it will defeat you. Her belief is that we are taking too many anti-oxidents and confusing the body and it will start attacking healthy cells. Her one big thing is Glutathione and that is not obsorbed by the digestive tract. Must be IV to be of much help.

AS a huge anti-oxident fan I though it wold protect my healthy cells whil I was undergoing CK. After the precess was explained to me I decided to go completely off of them for some time before and after treatment. Seems to be working "Ivan" going to tumor heaven.

I do know that when I think it is safe to go with the anti-oxidents my AIED flairs up. A friend of mine sells a MLM product that gets raves. She gives me gifts of it every birthday and Christmas and says it will lower my high C-reactive Protine level.  She has been telling me for two years how great it is making her feel. She had a complete blood test the other day and guess what her CRP is way higher than mine. What does she do? Calls one of the doctors that tout this and they tell her to double it. 

Cee Cee before you think I am anti-anything I am not. I just think it is such a confusing world and almost impossible to research with an unbiased data base it is better to find someone who spends all of their time doing this research and has a excellent track record for a lot of people, not just one or two. Obviously if you and I knew the answers we would not be posting on this site. I am a little more into Whole Foods and better nutrition and the avoidance of pesticides than anything herbal, vitamine or anti-oxident at this time. i hope I have not offended you or others in any way.


Cyberknife 1/2006
Clinton Medbery III & Mary K. Gumerlock
St Anthony's Hospital
Oklahoma City, OK
Name of Tumor: Ivan (may he rest in peace)