I am just over 10 weeks post-op for AN on left side -12mm x 15mm x 17mm rectosigmoid surgery, 60 degree Sugita Head Frame, 5 hours.
I did lose the hearing on that side, tinnitus before and remains. I am fortunate to have no facial paralysis. My balance is adjusting, have
been challenging it with plenty of walks and vestibular exercises. My frustration and struggle is with the constant heaviness in the
head, the fuzzy feeling and disorientation sense. I find myself very 'spacey" , especially in the grocery store or mall.
It is worse in the first half of the day, sometimes more so after the morining coffee (I love my Starbucks) I didn't seem to notice too
much difference with or without the java. The Neurosurgeon suggested Motrin/Aspirin & time. The last few mornings have started with
a nasty headache which is new, this lifts and the fog/heaviness sets in. Would appreciate any suggestions, insight and similar expieriences
shared as to this, seems different than most I have read here. I am going to start some massage therapy as the neck does get sore and
tired late in the day ( kinda like the newborn who can't hold their head up yet )
This forum is an amazing asset for us all and I so value the sharing & kindness and comrade of all AN'rs !!
Enjoy the Sun !!