Author Topic: Glasses during recovery  (Read 2973 times)


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Glasses during recovery
« on: September 04, 2005, 05:03:04 pm »

To the visually challenged in the forum: Were you able to wear your glasses after your surgery?  I'm having my AN removed via translab, and it seems to my that the earpiece from my glasses will most likely press against my bandage or incision.

Anyone have any experience with this?  Any thoughts would be helpful!


3.5 cm right AN.  Surgery 11/7/05, modified translab.  As recovered as I'd ever hoped to be.


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Re: Glasses during recovery
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2005, 06:23:57 pm »
Hi Josh:  I did wear my glasses, but not for a few days.(i normally wear contacts)  My eyes didn't really hurt, but I just didn't care wether I focused on anything or not. :P You will just have to rest one side of your glasses on your bandage(kind of looks like you've had too much to drink)  Besides the bandage won't be on that long.  I had surgery on a weds. and had the bandage off on Sat. am.Good luck!luv2teachsped
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07

jan pentecost

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Re: Glasses during recovery
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2005, 07:30:07 pm »
The bandage cusihioned my was after the bandage came off I had to pad the stem of my glasses. Make sure your stems don't fit too tightly against your head. Even after several weeks...if you wear sunglasses, too....I would fold a tissue and put it between my stem and my head...never caused a big problem.
1.7 cm Left Side
May 3, 2005
Dr. R. Sterling Hodgson
Legacy Emaunuel Hospital
Portland, Oregon


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Re: Glasses during recovery
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2005, 10:34:21 am »
Hi Josh,

   I had surgery with the House Ear Institute 2 weeks ago.  I feel pretty good just have some struggle every once in a while with balance but besides that everything is great.  I have a negative 6 on both eyes so I pretty much can't see anything without my contacts or glasses.  My surgery was on a tuesday and that wednesday I was in ICU and had a horrible headache until I was able to completely wake up and realize that I needed my glasses because that was probably what was causing my headaches and indeed it was that night I put on my glasses but since I had the middle fossa approah I placed the leg of the glasses over my hear not on top of the ear and it was fine.  Once I came out of the hospital which was 4 days after surgery I started using my contacts during the day and the glasses at night but the same I just place the glasses leg over my ear.  Hope you are all doing good.

Jessica - Age 28
August 23, 2005
House Ear Clinic - middle fossa approach - 1.2cm
Dr. De La Cruz and Dr. Hitselberger


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Re: Glasses during recovery
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2005, 01:32:33 pm »
I usually wear contacts but wore my glasses after surgery. A nurse recommended putting one of those pink foam rollers to cushion the leg/(my sister thought it would be cool) however my dad took the leg off because after the bandage was removed the doctor didn't want it to press my incision.