Author Topic: Vascular headaches.  (Read 4347 times)


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Vascular headaches.
« on: June 22, 2007, 06:57:18 am »
Shortly after my AN surgery I found I was getting these POUNDING headaches and they would hurt so badly they would make my entire body twitch. they were VERY painful. Then I started documenting (like my doctor had suggested) when I would get the headaches and what I had done that day, what I ate... etc... So I did. I wrote down everything I did for several of the headaches. They always showed up at night 99.9% of the time (in the middle of the night) and during the day I would have been working hard and sweating and basically getting over heated. OR I would have lifted something that I strained to pick up. My husband said "Don't hold your breath when you pick up something heavy. (even straining to go "potty" would give me a massive headache) So I started to not hold my breath when I would lift something that was heavy and it reduced the number of headaches I was having. Then one night I got a NASTY headache so I got out a bag of ice and put it on my head on the AN side and it took a while but it did help! THEN I had gotten one this past weekend as we were out walking around going sight seeing and after being out on a hot lake on a hot dock I started to get one so badly I could hardly talk or walk. So then one of my family was out with us said "let's go get ice cream" (i had already taken some tylonal to try to fix it and it wasn't helping!) So I got a small cup of ice cream and after the first two bites my headache was GONE! My mom is a nurse and I told her about it and she said that vascular headaches are caused by the inflammation of the arteries in your head (or something like that) and in order to reduce in the inflammation you use ice. So apparently when I ate the ice cream and it was ice cold and went down the back of my throat it was close to the area that the headache was coming from and it shrank the vessels and made the headache go away.  So from now on I am going to try that when I do get these headaches that I eat some ice... or ice cream and see if it helps again! So if anyone else gets these pulsing headaches.. try the cold... so far it seems to work and if you eat the cold it works REALLY fast! almost instant!

Let me know how it goes. :)


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Re: Vascular headaches.
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2007, 06:27:36 am »
I've also gotten vascular headaches.  The cold makes sense for treating it!  My doctor also recommended a cup of coffee or other caffeine.  Caffeine can help constrict blood flow and help with vascular headaches, too.


diagnosed June 2005
2.3cmx1.6cmx1.4cm left AN
translab Sept 13, 2006; Drs. McKenna and Barker in MA (MEEI/MGH)


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Re: Vascular headaches.
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2007, 06:37:53 am »
The ice when you eat it works almost the second you eat it. I can't have caffeine because I get anxiety attacks or panic attacks with any kind of caffeine  so I had to find something else. I think vascular headaches are the most painful headaches I have ever had! OUCH! My sister gets migraines and she is in a lot of pain with those.... but these vascular headaches get so bad I can't function at all! BUT since I have figured out how to control them it is MUCH better. My Doctor did say they would get less and less intense as time went on. So hopefully I won't have to worry about them forever. But I tell you... the ice or icecream works FAST and I am SOOO happy it works! I try to stay away from caffeine other than the fact that it makes me feel very bad..... it isn't good for you so i TRY to eat things that are good for me. After my surgery we even got into Usana vitamins. I am telling you.. if it wasn't for those vitamins I think I would still be sitting on my couch! I feel SOOOOO much better! They are rated as the top vitamin company in the world! The stuff you get in the store or even the stuff you get through home marketing is so incredible awful! I have learned A LOT about vitamins since my surgery and the ones in the store are the worst! They basically lie to consumers and they are selling them a product that basically comes right back out the other end with none of it being used in the body! But anyway... I can start another post about vitamins if anyone wants information on how to shop for vitamins. :)


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Re: Vascular headaches.
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2007, 08:24:39 pm »

I want info on how to shop for vitamins. I have been a  big user since my first surgery.

Right side AN (6x3x3 cm) removed in 1988 by Drs. Benjamin & Cohen at NYU (16 hrs); nerves involved III - XII.
Regrowth at the brainstem 2.5 cm removed by Dr.Shahinian in 4 hrs at SBI (hopefully, this time forever); nerves involved IV - X with VIII missing. No facial or swallowing issues.


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Re: Vascular headaches.
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 08:31:15 am »
I have lots of information on vitamins. I will put some of it in here if that is ok..... But if you want me to mail you some information I would be MORE than happy to do so. Just e-mail me at with an address to mail the information to and I will be more than happy to mail the information to you.

Ok.. so here are some pointers on buying vitamins.

1) Make sure your vitamins are Pharmaceutical grade vitamins. AND if they claim to be Pharmaceutical grade make sure they are willing to put that in writing.

2) The difference between Pharmaceutical grade vitamins and "food grade" is that the government does not regulate vitamins... They see vitamins as food and they are only required by law to have 20% of what the label claims is has in it... in the bottle.. not in each vitamin.. just in the bottle. And the only other requirement is that they have to have a clean kitchen. Basically what a restaurant goes though in order to be aloud to serve you food is the same thing that a vitamin company has to go though in order to be aloud to make vitamins. If you look up "Food grade" and "Pharmaceutical grade" vitamins on the internet you will read all kinds of information on what the difference is. The food grade vitamins are aloud to put fillers such as "cork" in their vitamins and they don't have to put in on the label!

3) Pharmaceutical grade vitamins go though the same strict standards and testing as a medication such as... Darvasets, or antibiotics.. etc... go though to be aloud to be put in the pharmacies. They HAVE to have 100% of what they claim is in each pill ... actually in each pill.

4) You can get the book "The complete guide to nutritional supplements" online or in any book store and it rates the vitamins.

5) Vitamins have to be in the correct ratio's in order for them to work at all in your body. there are some forms of certain vitamins that are actually toxic to your body. if you know anyone who works in the business of out houses or port a potties... they will tell you that the "Centrum" vitamin you can actually find in those potties and you can still read the label. so people are paying a lot of money for those vitamins and not getting anything out of it.

6) a test for some vitamins would be to put it in a glass of water and if if dissolves in less than 10 min. then it is dissolving in your body. (This doesn't work with chewable vitamins)

7) When you go back to basic science when you learned about cells... you didn't learn about... male cells, female cells, cells over 50 etc.... so the vitamin companies that talk try to sell vitamins for women or men or older people... they are all a sales pitch to try to get you to buy their vitamins. A cell is a cell no matter if it is in an older persons body or a younger persons body, a male body or a female body. Those vitamins are only a sales pitch but they don't do anything. Every sell needs the same nutrition in order to survive.

The man who had invented "Usana" was the first an only doctor to put the human cell in a dish and keep it a live just by giving it the correct nutrition. He had also invented the test that the hospitals use to test for the mono virus. He also does not accept any profits from the sales of Usana because his dream is to not 'cure" diseases but to prevent them all together.

We are all suffering from diseases that were totally unheard of 20 years ago. So something has to have changed in our environment to have caused all of these horrible things like cancer and heart disease and AN tumors! It is all of the fillers and preservatives and environmental problems. but if we can have healthy cells they can fight off all of these toxins a lot easier.

There are 2 other companies that have been rated pretty high on the scale of vitamins.. but since Usana came out on the top as being number 1.. that is what made us choose Usana.

I also wanted to add one other note about nutrition... back in 2004 they came out with a study that they were finding "paraben's" in breast cancer tumors. They have not yet linked these paraben's to causing cancer... but they are finding them in tumors so that is good enough for me. So when you go to the store to buy your shampoo, make up, skin care products, lotions, make sure it doesn't have any "paraben's" there are several different kinds... 'metholpareben, poloyparaben... etc..." so watch out for those! I did find one make up company that doesn't use harmful ingredient's in their products and that is "Jane Iredale" I hope there is more than one company out there that takes that stuff out of their products.. but so far that is the only one I have found. I know Mary Kay has paraben's in their products, Arbon, etc.... they all have that preservative in their products. Usana doesn't have make up.. but they do have the best skin care line.. it is a self preserving product.

So... that is just some of the basic stuff.

I will add one more little note.. but I won't get into it to much. Usana has also been rated in the top 20 as the best marketing company in the world by News Week, Forbes, and Money magazine for many years running. Their compensation plan is outstanding! They have no red tape in Usana! So it is a TOTALLY safe company to get into. Basically you sign up to be an associate, if something happens and you can't afford to keep it going for a month, 5 months, 10 years... you can just basically put it on hold until you can afford to come back and then start back off exactly where you left off. Your business just keeps building and building and you earn points which earns you checks. They pay out each week.. not quarterly... and the only thing they ever require you to purchase is 100 points of products each month to be active. But like I said... you don't have to stay active. I have a neighbor that signed up and she is active every couple of months because she can't afford to buy the vitamins all the time. So she goes active when she can. If you have a 1 business center then you will spend 100 points each month to stay active. If you have a 3 business center (that is what I have) then you would spend 200 points to stay active. but you do NOT have to activate all of your business centers at the same time.

Anyway.. basically it is a 100% safe business to get into and you can earn unlimited funds as you get more and more people who sign on as consultants or perfered customers. you earn the same points no matter what. and... all the points "flow up".... meaning you don't just earn points on the people directly under you.. you earn them on everyone... for example... if I signed up my neighbor.. then my neighbor signed someone up.. then that person signed someone up under them.. I earn the same points on every single person who is under me and who signs up under all the people under me.

I also sell Tastefully Simple (at my cost.. so I don't make a profit on it) and their compensation plan is that they have to sell 400.00 a quarter. And if you don't.. you loose your business. You get someone to sign up under you and they get someone to sign up under them, and the only person you profit from is the person right under you. And it is only about 5% of their sales. So it isn't much at all. With Usana you get 100% of the points that every single person below you earns.

Basically if you are going to buy the Usana vitamins.. it is a good idea to sign up as an associate so you can earn the points... which will eventually earn you your vitamins for free and you can make a profit. The girl we signed up under doesn't work at all anymore. Her husband just bought out the paint company he used to work for. and everyone that is on their team no longer works because they make really good money in Usana.

But anyway.. I didn't get into Usana for the money.. I got into it because I tried the vitamins right after my surgery, then I did the research and learned that I couldn't find anything bad about Usana and learned about all the awful things that companies put in their vitamins.. etc... so I went in just to get the vitamins and after learning about how the business worked it was a no brainer. But I sell the Usana at my cost and not a penny more.. because I feel it is MUCH more important to me that people are healthy and don't suffer than it is for me to make a profit. I earn the points on the products which eventually will earn me a check, but I will NEVER sell the Usana products at a "retail" price because I care more about people feeling better and being healthier and whipping out all of the awful diseases that are out there these days.

I know this is a lot of info.... but it is all true and I have researched it to the ends of the internet! there are lots of doctors out there that will tell you "Just go to the store and buy a multi vitamin" because they really don't research vitamins. But the company that did the book "The complete guide to nutritional suppliments" does the scientific research and found which companies were the best.

If you have any other questions.. feel free to e-mail me.... You can also ask me about any vitamin company and I can look it up in my book and tell you how they rate. I know that GNC vitamins are not rated very high, Shaklee, Melaluca (although they do have GREAT cleaning products), and other vitamin companies like that are not rated very high at all. I think Centrum only got a 2% rating out of 100% and One a day got 1% out of 100%.

So just let me know if you have any questions.. and search the internet.

THere was a report on CNN not to long ago and they said that over 66% of skin care products have cancer causing elements in them!

Then we saw a report on CNN also that said when you take REALLY good vitamins that it is acually passed down in your cells to your children.. and even if you don't give your children vitamins but you took really great ones... then it is passed down to your grandchildren from your children! They did this study on mice. So that just goes to show you how VERY important a great vitamin is! your future family counts on it!

OH... and one more note... my OB doctor told me after looking at the Usana vitamins.. that I can take those instead of a prenatal vitamin when we get pregnant! (We have had 6 miscarriages so far.... so I wanted to double check before I took anything while we are pregnant... they said they found the problem as to why we kept loosing babies and they said they are 100% sure we will have a successfully pregnancy as soon as we get pregnant again!) So my doctor looked at my vitamins and he really liked them and all of the third party validations that came along with them. So do some research on the net and you will see all of the scary stuff they put in regular food grade vitamins! It is a total waist of money.. and it makes me mad that they are even aloud to sell crap like that! it should be considered false advertising! But maybe someday the government will step up and make these companies create honest products!