Author Topic: balance problems  (Read 6755 times)


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Re: balance problems
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2005, 07:46:00 pm »
Before I knew I had an acoustic neuroma I was having a terrible time with my balance.  I found a new clinic that specialized in poor balance problems.  I went to a therapist weekly for several months and my balance improved greatly.  Eventually she felt I was ok to end therapy as my balance improved and she had taught me how to do exercises to do on my own if I began to have more problems.  Even though I did my exercises as she had taught me faithfully, eventually my balance started to get worse again over a short time.  I was checked out by an ENT and was told I had an AN.

I don't do my exercises now because it bothers my head too much.  Even after surgery to remove my AN a few years ago.  My balance still gives me problems expecially if I am standing in one spot trying to carry on a converstation with someone.  I feel very embarressed as I stand there and begin to sway, I am afraid they will think I am on something. :)  Also a big problem for me is walking down a hallway in the dark.

Most ANer's I talk with say they have balance problems, unfortunately.
