Greetings All - a very good friend, concerned about my AN woes, sent me the following (text below) with the strong encouragement to totally stop using a cellphone. There's some information here not particularly related to AN's but I would be interested to hear from the community: Is there a correlation between cellphone use and AN's, in any real way? Are we really damaging ourselves by using these damned things?
peace to all
…just finished reading the book "Cell Phones: Invisible hazards in the wireless age" by Dr.George Carlo and Martin Schram.
1. Cell phones cause damage to the blood brain barrier. This barrier is essential to maintain healthy brain function as it prevents toxins from entering the brain.
2. Microwave radiation from cell phones causes genetic damage to blood cells.
3. Microwave radiation from cell phones causes micronuclei to form in blood cells..this is a known marker for cancer.
4. Genetic damage is found at a 1.0 radiation level, which is below the recommended FCC's 1.6 safety guideline. Which would suggest if phones operate according to government guidelines they are causing damage.
5. Acoustic Neuroma is a rare benign tumor of the inner ear. The more years of cell phone use the more likely acoustic neuroma will occur. The accoustic nerve is within the 2-3 inch penetration zone of the radiation plume.
Neuro-epithelial tumors are 2.4 times more likely if using cell phones and occur on the same side of the head that the cell phone is normally used.
6. The further you are away from the cell tower the stronger the signal must be from your phone to send and receive. People who used early versions of cell phones have had more exposure to radiation from their cell phones as cell towers were not always close by.
7. The amounts of radiation from a cell phone in a single call can vary by factors of 10-100 depending on the location of the cell tower. Radiation is higher when ringing or dialing.
8. Fatal accidents while driving using cell phones increased substantially according to cell phone usage:
usage less than 1 min per day: 5 fatalities per 100,000
usage up to 3 min per day: 10 fatalities per 100,000
usage more than3 min per day: 12.5 fatalities per 100,000
9. Pacemakers can be negatively affected by cell phones unless shielded.
10.Reported to Dr. Carlo : Dr.Om Gandhi found rates of penetration of radiation is shockingly higher in children's heads. Average specific absorption rate of radiation (measured in milliwats per kilogram, or mW/kg)
Radiation inside brain:
7.84 in an adult
19.77 in a 10 year old child
33.12 in a five year old child.
Radiation absorption rate in the fluid of the eye:
3.3 in an adult
18.38 in a 10 year old child
40.18 in a five year old child
Radiation absorption rate in the lens of the eye:
1.38 in an adult
6.93 in a 10 year old child
15.6 in a 5 year old child
Radiation absorption rate in the connective tissue of the eye:
1.77 in an adult
9.8 in a 10 year old child
19.69 in a 5 year old child
11. For years now it has been clear to me that damage occurs with these devices. I have been seeing damage in my clients fields caused by cell phones, laptops and other such devices (remember cordless land line phones are just as bad as they too have to remotely transmit to the phone).Laptops operating on WiFi expose people to RF (radio frequency) radiation. We have a problem. Pregnant women should be particularly careful of where they carry their phones. I see so many with phones on in handbags right by the developing child. Those of you who carry phones on your body are exposing that part to radiation. We are not just talking about radiation to the head. The hip, liver, heart..wherever that phone sits while on is causing damage.
12. It is also clear that many of the new shielding devices currently on the market that attach to phones or are worn as jewelry do not give protection they suggest in their literature. Many of these devices do more harm than good and give folks a false sense of security.
13. Many head sets actually increase exposure as the wire to the cell phone acts as an antenna and accelerates the radiation into the ear.
14. Whether you use a cell phone or not, just like second hand smoke, you are being irradiated by towers and other's cell phones especially in airports, internet cafes etc.
13. My suggestion is to limit the use of all devices that harm the human field. Just like the tobacco industry the cell phone industry has not told the truth. When Dr. Carlo the researcher for the cell phone industry found that damage was caused the industry let him go. At least he has taken the brave step to let us know what he found. For which I am grateful.