I have to confess that I am a bit scared about my follow-up tomorrow. I had my 2 1/2 year follow-up MRI on Tuesday and I see the radio-oncologist in the morning. I hate being scared. But I have had some bizaare symptoms lately (another aura-type migraine without the headache on Sat. I had to call my neurologist at home just to reassure me because this was the symptom that got me dx'd with the AN 3 years ago) plus my balance has been horrible and the tinnitus is a bit intolerable at times. So, we shall see, as you know my luck has never been good with this AN since I had the linac. I think the tumor is up to something and I hope it's up to shrinking! Honestly, isn't it a pain in the neck dealing with this bologna? Geez Louise. I'll let you all know tomorrow and then I'm off to Boston to see Dr. McKenna for the real evaluation. I just can't trust one opinion anymore. I love my radio-oncologist but I hate (and hate is a strong word) but I do hate my neurosurgeon for doing such irrepurable damage to me with that linac machine. Wish me luck, Holly