Just wondering if an ear infection led to the diagnosis in any of you? Not that I did not have symptoms before with some vertigo and tinnitus, but I had the sudden onset of an ear infection, and I have never ever had an ear infection in my life that I remember! Suddenly there was pressure, pain, horrible loud noises, diminished hearing, and then fever. While the antibiotics got rid of the infection, the other symptoms remained, and now I am on steroid nasal spray trying to reduce the pressure inside so the tests will be more accurate. Symptoms have lessened, but still feel the fullness, pressure, tinnitus, diminished hearing. In addition it now feels numb on that side of my face, not totally, I can still feel pretty well, but just a weird numb-like feeling on ear and face. My ENT doesnt know about that as it is new. Well, just wondering while waiting for all these tests. Thanks. Terri