I am sorry to hear that news, Bpham. I have not come across any case of someone recovering usable hearing from that low a level. I can't read the audiogram either, but based on your description of closing the good ear, your hearing is pretty far gone on the AN side. That would indicate that the AN is tangled up with the hearing nerve, making it nearly impossible to remove the tumor without also taking out the nerve. Radiation might save some of what you have left, but you won't get any more back.
I think trans-lab is considered the least invasive surgery approach, because it does not involve any brain retraction, while both MF and RS do. That also usually makes it the shortest procedure, with the simplest recovery. It is a natural choice when the AN has already damaged the balance and hearing nerves on that side.
I agree with Mark, if you haven't already, you should at least email Dr. Chang, and mail him a CD of your MRI and your audiogram test if you can. He could tell you best whether radiation with CK has anything to offer, or he might agree that trans-lab surgery is the best choice in your case, since he does both radiation and surgery.
Oh well. You will still hear, you will still smile, and your wife will still love you. There is still plenty of life ahead for you.