Author Topic: Fullness/numb feeling is back ......  (Read 2629 times)


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Fullness/numb feeling is back ......
« on: September 18, 2007, 12:44:07 pm »
 :(  could this be due to allergy season ...... other than the hearing loss I have not been feeling too bad lately - but as fast as this subsided a couple of months ago - it is back - the full/congested feeling in my left ear - and that internal numbness feeling ...... also the tintinitus - but not so much 'ringing' - it's like a 'hissing' noise - like a balloon losing air - I am so RELIEVED that I go for assessment next week with Dr. Parnes!
- Oct. 16/08 - 12 hour 'blob-ectomy' at LHSC in London, ON - Dr. Lownie and Parnes
- Some internal facial numbness (cheek, tongue, eye), SSD, headaches (getting better), dry eye, some balance issues..... but othwise AWESOME!


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Re: Fullness/numb feeling is back ......
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2007, 12:59:29 pm »
I don't know irf this makes you feel better.  I am 9 months post surg and 6 post radiation.  My face is still numb, but I live in the South, and came home to my parents in PA, and the weather change gave me a sinus infection.. my first ever on my left side. (the numb one) While it's still numb, I never thought it could feel more numb.  Almost 'numb-on-numb' if that makes any sense!!  Hope that's all it was for you!! :)

In other news, for those of you who have gone deaf in an ear, did you notice pain ever in that ear?  Almost like phantom pain?  I've had it for awhile, and wonder, can the deaf ear still get infected?  I am wondering if that's what is goin on with my sinus infection.. not to draw attn away from your question!  Thanks!
Lori, Left AN,  2 translab surgeries and GK radiation, 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm, Dr. Singh Sahni and Drs Fred and Wayne Schia, Chippenham Johnston-Willis, Richmond, VA. Deaf in left, temp paralysis post surg 1/07


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Re: Fullness/numb feeling is back ......
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 11:26:16 am »
I get that fullness feeling on and off.  Can never pin point what causes it.   I also get pins and needles on my AN side.  My newest thing is a on again off again earache, both ears.                                                                                                                                         

6mm x 8mm left AN FSR 26 treatments Nov.-Dec.2005
MD Anderson Orlando, Fl.


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Re: Fullness/numb feeling is back ......
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 08:10:29 pm »
I live in PA and this allergy season has been the worse ever.  I have been so screwed up for the last month.  My advice to anyone planning on visiting on PA is don't come, stay where you are and come when it gets much colder and allergy season is over!  If you're already here, good luck!  If you don't have allergies, you probably wouldn't understand.  If you do have allergies, I feel your pain. 

Oh yeah, and the full/congested feeling you are talking about and the tinnitus, yep, the hissing is what I have too, does get worse with the allergies, at least it does with me.  And also, I do get the pain in my affected ear but it doesn't stay very long.  I also get a very tickly feeling in that ear at times, almost like a bug is crawling around in my ear and it drives me crazy.  I've always been afraid that a bug would go in my ear and I wouldn't know it because I can't really feel alot on that side like I can on my good side and I definitely would not hear anything buzzing around my ear since I am deaf on the right.  Freaks me out sometimes! 
« Last Edit: September 19, 2007, 08:15:25 pm by Static »
3.5cm AN removed 1-21-04
CSF leak repaired 5/04
SSD Right