Hi Family!
I'm sorry if I've been a bit absent lately. My dear husband and cabin boy, Dr Love, had back surgery, and our roles got reversed for a change and I became the caregiver for almost a month during his "breakdown" and recovery, and boy, did I get to know a little of what he got to go through during my surgery and recovery, but on a smaller scale, no doubt. Of course all the stress lead me to get a few brainwrecks and a bad cold during all this mess, leaving both of us moaning and groaning and incapacitated for a few days. Today is the first day we have both been back at "work", he went and scraped the paint off a few windows at a house he's in the middle of remodeling and I cleaned up my studio after the last painting session the previous month.
I just wanted to start a gratitude thread for Thanksgiving, not only for this life-saving support system and the people on it, but also for my stepson and daughter-in-law, who got my hubby and me to his docs appointments and shuttled us around to the hospital and made it so I never had to drive on the freeway or in traffic! (They even let me go trick or treating with the grandscallywags--seems they don't mind having a nutball for a stepgranny to their kids.) I don't know where I'd be with out them and my dear Dr Love.
Despite the headaches, balance problems, lack of hearing and financial woes due to high prescription costs thanks to
our cruddy healthcare system, I've come to the realization that nobody's life is perfect. Everyone gets
something. Thank God I worked out most of my emotional scars years ago and now all I have to deal with is this physical bugger!
I don't know what I'd be up to had I not found this forum--it sure helps to know I'm not alone out there dealing with this stuff. So thank you ANA for hosting this site and thank you each Forum member, all 2709 of you for showing up and posting your hopes, fears, and aspirations on this board--you continue to inspire me on a daily basis and I hope I can be a help to you.
So...... what are you grateful for?
OK enough mushy stuff, lets dance!!!!!
Have a Happy Turkey Day everyone!!!
Be Well and Sail On!
Capt Deb