Author Topic: Reading MRI Report  (Read 3179 times)


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Reading MRI Report
« on: September 29, 2005, 09:26:22 am »
Hi, I recently had my yearly follow-up MRI and I have a couple of questions.  I had the MRI done at the same hospital that I always go to, however, when reading my report this time I noticed that at the top where it describes what type of scan was performed it was different from last years.  I don't remember the exact language but it referred to a closed 1.5 tesla magnet scan with thin pre-contrast and constrast views of the internal auditory canal and full scan of the whole brain, etc.  This year's scan stated closed 3.0 tesla magna scan with pre-contract and constract view of the internal auditory canal and full scan of the whole brain.  I honestly have no idea what that really means technically, but it did indicate in the report that there was an increase in size from 6 mm to 8mm on the long axial view, so therefore, the radiologist has stated a slight 2mm increase in size from last year.  My doctor read my the report, but has not seen the films yet.  He does not like to rely on the MRI report when the increase is so minimal, but would rather like to go by the actual films, so I sent him both films and I am waiting for him to return from vacation to let me know his thoughts.  I am going to ask him about the difference in the wording of both reports and see what he has to say, but I was curious if you guys ever noticed a difference in any of your MRI reports.   Also I questioned why in this years' report there was no mention of my paranasal sinuses.  In all of my prior years' reports there was always a mention that they were looked at and clear and in this year's report there was no mention to them  at all.  I will also ask my doctor to look at my films in that regard as well, but does anyone know if paranasal sinuses is a typical thing to look at in a MRI of the brain or not.  Just curious.  Has anyone had an indication of an increase in size on the MRI report and then have your doctor review the films and differ with the report?ÂÂ