Hi Pembo,
the first time my eye started to water, was about 7 months after my surgery. In fact it gushed so much that I went to the ER. I thought I might be having a csf leak [ or is it cfs ] anyway it was pretty constant and my eye also started to blink about 75%. I am now 16 months post op and it goes through bouts of dryness and gushing. I don't have to use eye drops as much and
Dr Brackman was happy that the eye is blinking in synk with the good eye. Progress is long and sketchy and for me the most frustrating thing is, I will have a good few days and I look fairly normal, and then it is followed by a few bad days and my face starts to droop. and my balance is completely off. I never quite feel like I have turned the corner completely with this recovery. Maybe this is how it will always be, good days and bad. I just have to concentrate on the good days.
Let the good tears roll.