Hi everyone,
trying to get some info or figure out whats going on. I got steriotatic radiosurgery, one time shot, on 5/22. Had an mri 3.5 months later and my AN showed signs of shrinkage and necrosis after such a short time.
I have very little sides effects since the radiation until about 3 weeks ago. Thats when my head felt like it was going to explode. The pressure was/is all over my head but worse in the facial area. I dont have a sinus infection and my oncologist said that he has had patience have swelling months later. Well, he put me on prednisone which I took for a week. After I got off it, 24 hours later the pressure was back full swing and I couldnt work. The prednisone takes the edge off but doesnt get rid of it and its much worse than it ever was. He wants me on it for 6 weeks. Has anyone experienced this or have to go back on steriods? I really hope this a short term thing.