The facial exercises are done 3-4 times a day in front of a mirror to control that both sides move the same, which is very difficult because my left side hardly moves at all. Most of the exercises you have to use your fingers to hold back the good side so its even. EXERCISES: Raise both eyebrows, Close both eyes, Raise your nose like a rabbit, Smile, Pucher your lips (kiss), Try to move your lips like a fish, try to blow up a baloon or just your cheeks evenly, try to suck your lips between your teeth.
The other exercises you just use a finger to feel the muscle movement on the good side and then try and try until you feel a little bit of movement on the AN side, Finger Positions: above the eyebrow, outer corner of your eye, next to your nose, next to your mouth, and in the corner of your mouth. I have paper that explains the exercises but its all in German and I'm not quit fit enough yet to translate all of it, maybe during or after Rehab.
The Rehab I'm going to is specialized in Neorologie but not ANs, more strokes, other brain tumors, etc..
http://www.waldbronn.ruland-kliniken.de/I don't know how to put in an internet address so you can go straight to it so you will have to type it in if you want to visit it.
The health care system here is very good, but expensive (Employer pays 50%). Everyone in Germany has health care, it doesn't matter if you have work or not.
Dan in Germany