Thanks for all the kind words.
Work is going great and I actually enjoy going now,This whole AN thing has really opened my eyes,no pun intended.
At the current time I am working full time,just not full capacity,YET ! That is my goal.
The freeeway is not so difficult,but I go to work at 3:30am so there is no traffic. When I come home at 1:00 in the afternoon
there is traffic,I just get in one lane and stay there. Right now I am responsible for 4 hours of live news broadcast, when I go full capacity again I will be chasing more hurricanes,murders,bombings ,etc...
Right now I can do my job strictly inside,sitting in a rolling chair working with cameras,live trucks, traffic helicopters,and such.
But I am looking at the first of the year to return to the satellite and local live TV trucks,Iam just not that confident in driving all over the country to chase news right now.I have learned that things take patience.